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You found me when I was down
Showed me the ropes then took me to town
Said you owned me now & forever
Told you I'll do anything to make it better

Look at me baby
I'm so flashy
You see my G-string?
They say money talks but I make it sing

I'll cover up these bruises
I'll keep it moving
All day & all night shifts
I'll do it all to make you rich

High heels & fishnets
***** with my cigarettes
My tools in this dark world
Baby, I'm your traffic girl
Inspired by a show.
Have you ever drowned in your own thoughts of overthinking and contemplating?
Trying to breathe but your anxiety won't let you stop shaking

You said you no matter what you'd always be here
So how come when I'm reaching out you're never there

Why make promises to only abandoned me?
I'm speaking more literally than figuratively

This overwhelming feeling of loneliness is too much to bare
Did I not do enough for you to leave me in despair?

All I ever wanted was someone to listen and wipe away the tears
Someone to talk me down from the ledge and talk away the fears

But I've just got stuck with a voicemail and no response
Except the operator and the pain exploding in the ambiance
You said you loved me

Then you laughed

Ever since then I knew,

you didn't mean that...
Strong winds may uproot you
Unsettle your stoic resignation
You will be shaken and stirred
Lot of ponderings and doubts
In the middle of nowhere
When gravity does not give hope
Become a fearless traveler
Encounter the strong winds
No matter where you settle
Continue to spread your roots, deeper
Your soul is still with you
Nothing can stop you from reliving
Every unsettling episode
Will teach you to be more resilient
There they stood; keeping silent company.
Yet of His face, wept searing electricity.

To the lovers of life*
Here they stand, keeping silent company.
No utterance dealt; yet clear in both their minds
A single, brilliant truth:

He longs for her with a savage delight.
And it cries from every fibre, exalting!
It is in the bearing of his eye;
Rifling through her tender flesh
In search of what he knows, from voices ages old, is there:
That her heart will beat for no other as it beats for him right now;
That in this moment, their Souls are bared
To each other’s glares- naked, and blemished, and cowering-
Yet his eyes remain fixed and sure:

And for this, she loves him.

For they have seen each other for the First of Times,
Truly! And as with many the Ancient Laws unfurled,
They stand aware, in lack of ever being taught,
Aware with every atom, every straining tendon tight
That their time's so very short.

And so they drink… wordless
To each other, to their youth, and to their bodies
Shining like never before in the noonday air
Garbed in cloth that snaps and furls around their waists.

They imbibe with electric eyes,
Eyes that are new born to this world of light
And come out screaming, living, and sensitive
For lack of ever being touched.
They revel in their new-found joy;
Pouring from Her figure,
Of Her sleek, supple waist and the arch of her back,
Bristling with delight,
Of His strong hands and easy smile,
That spoke of laughter scattered
Across countless campfires of summers past.

Their light does burn intense as any fire,
And when their brimming anticipation
Overspills its crimson chalice
The silence shall SHATTER.
To find peace again in each other's arms.
Fumbling in sweet darkness-

Of heavy lids, of earthy flesh,
With lips embraced...

In ravenous finality.
People who fight
their battles alone
either lose the battle
or lose themselves.
 Jul 2015 Valentina Sanchez
She leaves me
with secret flowers

each has
a broken heart

and purple petals
for me to hide

and memories
I can't ....
i wish
i were as brave as the rain
they are not afraid to

when there is no one there to catch them...

they are the strongest, bravest and
saddest things I've known :(

-the thought "the rain are not afraid to fall" were not from me . :)

— The End —