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I praise the wise and respect the wisdom of every old and young, for when they speak they pave the way to every poem or song.

There is a charm in all their words and phrases short or long. In what they say you should believe until you prove them wrong.

When wisdom speaks I always listen to thoughts of brilliant minds,
just like a gem or precious stone or gold in haunted mines.

I feel the words and see them spark in corners everywhere, sometimes I even smell their scent floating in the air.

A set of words in form of art could take your breath away,
for classy words will make you feel in heaven you want to stay.

I wish I was a famous scholar or a poet who plays a part,
I like to think I have a say in themes that steal the heart.

Even the blind wisdom they see gleaming in the dark,
but ignorant words from a stupid fool could tear your life apart.
My words might sound to some strange,
or my rhymes maybe rough around the edges.

I only write what I can arrange,
I don’t need to stand on any bridges.

Sometimes I am not in my right state of mind,
all my thoughts are scattered along the ridges.

But other times I glow bright like a star,
or piece of art in its fringes.

No matter how hard you try,
you can’t please people,
even if your words are riches.

What your heart tells you is always right,
so don't ignore your pain and look at the stitches.

Continue to write what’s on your mind,
and don’t stop as long as you’re writing hand itches
Crystal teardrops,
and an angel's pearly smile,
a heart of solid gold,
a trail of a thousand mile.
A life of loving themes,
romantic rosy dreams.
Beauty that’s versatile,
and a healthy life style.
I am woman.

White veils and fairy tales,
silky paths and crowds that hail.
Kisses and cuddles,
and warm hugs,
sweet love potions,
in crystal mugs.
An abundance of love,
and a burning desire,
a passionate heart,
and a look of admire.
I am woman.

A broken heart and tears of grief,
a shattered soul,
a withered leaf.
Dark mornings and sleepless nights,
fruitless talks and endless fights.
Glasses of wine and painkillers,
words of hope from fortune tellers.
I am woman.

An honest man,
a faithful soul,
an elegant wedding,
in a lavish hall.
A dozen kids and warmer Springs,
and all the joy that life would bring.
An enduring mother with endless love,
a guarding angel,
a bliss from above.
I am woman.
Here sits the widow silent and pale,
from the heart of darkness her sorrows hail.
Mournful eyes,
shattered thoughts,
bloodless veins and soundless calls.

With her broken heart her mind would plea,
her eyes are open but unable to see.
A saddened look,
and a tired heart,
an endless journey that tore her apart.

Entrapped within avoid of time,
where the moaners sing,
and misery rhymes.
In the kingdom of grief,
the widow resides,
where the temples are haunted,
and pain abides.

In the halls of hope the grievers meet,
in search of comfort and a blissful seat.
In total humility their hearts would pray,
for peace of mind and a happier day.
My mind had often wondered of a world beyond our hold, where every soul reveals its secrets and all the truth untold.

With age our youth will fade, and with hope our lives ignite. In a withered cage the soul remains, till the day that brings delight.

Promises made are hard to keep, but in honour I find my pride. A rocky ridge is surely steep, but with courage I must abide.

With a sudden splash there came a flash, of memories that did not apply. With every mood, shy or rude, they stormed my inward eye.  

An honest word, if you uphold, the truth it will unbind, but sassy dreams will only sink, in pools of ***** minds.

Hatred and greed, will bring with speed, disaster to your life, but with love and care, you’ll plant a seed, in the heart of a loving wife.

In moments of death, with a heavy breath release my final sigh, my kin may cry, or even weep, but death to all applies.

Into the grave I shall descend when words are said and done, no saddened eye will shed a tear, when years have passed and gone.
In my darkest hour my thoughts wander, sometimes too far and sometimes just yonder. I find myself in total darkness, without a torch or word of kindness.

Entrapped in space, where sorrow thrives, enduring the pain of a thousand knifes. I feel the tears gather in my eyes, as a hundred questions in my mind arise.

A place beyond, where the forsaken dwell, between the garden of Eden and the gates of hell. Where there is no sound but the sound of silence, or desperate laughter, or cries of violence.

The taste of bitterness ran in my mouth, as my head revolved, from north to south. My heart beat accelerated and exceeded the rate, while on its drums, it violently played.

I hear the queries in the drummers beat, should I advance or should I retreat? My soul is standing on some rocky ridge, do I descend or just cross the bridge?

My thoughts are shattered, for help I call, but my words resonate in a desolate hall. Amidst of worries I seek a light, a sign of hope, or a hand of might.

I have grown weary while strength I assemble, as my feeble hands began to tremble. It could be  light there in the distance, must I bide or seek assistance?

To my Lord I appeal in times of stern, at one’s leisure, good deeds you should earn. My heart is joyful, when dancing to its beat, what tasted bitter, has now turned sweet.
The world maybe bitter and dull,
to some without a meaning,
bright the eye of heaven shall shine, on a day with no complaining.

Hope does fade away sometimes,
on days that are restraining,
and blessed our lives can be,
content without refraining.

Life can be difficult sometimes
when ground you’re hardly gaining, but if you walk a righteous path
good deeds you are attaining.

Prominent you may be,
in a life you are sustaining,
but no pedigree shall save your soul, in a world where all are waning.

In time of death we shall not brag, of deeds that are beshaming, equal we are when deceased, in a world of no explaining, no mortal soul will hear your call, from the grave if you are complaining.
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