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Here come the confectionary clouds
Packed like powdered sugar


Little quicksilver has
A bit of a sweet tooth
And grubby hands well into
A box of Quality Street
Just about
every one,
every thing
has two eyes.

But every one,
every thing
does not see
the same
things we must

Our eyes
are simply
a tool of
our soul.

They are
the collector
of all things,
all told.

is why we
are all

Your eyes
are the window
for the soul
to peek.

She is such a pretty girl
With such a pretty smile
Everyone loves the way
Her lashes curl

She's got ribbons in her hair
And a ring in her navel
Why she even has on
Matching underwear

Her look is smart
Her scent a distraction
Her Instagram pictures
Are a qualified thing of art

But here's the rub
Despite all the bells & whistles
The girl is a chocolate-box
An attractive cover

That will knock your socks off
Yet, there's nothing inside
She's absolutely empty
You'll discover
You are not afraid, Your cautious

You are not angry, Your overwhelmed

You are not sad, Your disappointed

You are not ( always) happy, Your stressed

You are not, ALONE
When I was a child
Wednesday was a half-day
an early closing day
but now
it's a full day
a work your self away day,

I think today
I might or I might not
it all depends on the energy
I think I've got
go to work for half a day
or maybe a full day and work
at half the speed,
I also think that I need

she kisses me and says,
there there,
it'll be okay
and I feel better.
Wednesday always was.
 Jul 2021 Coffee with Cream
The wick is fading, and I have no matches left
In this dark abyss where I sit depressed
My valiant heart has become a perch for crows
Smile shaped in stone
Each embrace stiff and cold from my marbled soul
My arms depict a grasping hand
Reaching for a world these etched eyes will never know
Trapped in the heart of a withered artist
His mad dealings mold and make me
A victim of his musings
Crafted in a candlelit madness
Delicate delusions and vague allusions
To courage in the many veiled faces of death
Carved and set at the base of the steps
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