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When we finely departed
In silence and tears
I was left brokenhearted
that lasted for too many years
I longed for peace that never came to me,
I cried for hours in darken dreams
walking around in fears,-
While I kept hearing the screams.

- Judy Emery © 1983
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
 May 2020 Ketaki
Jena T
The music plays
Another chance
The hall is set
For the final dance
My heart quivers
For what is to come
It's longed and feared this final song
Sweeping beautifully I weep
Shadows lightening my step
The melody strings as lights go dim
The final dance
Of fires and grace
Let my fears slip away
As I forget my place
To the rhythms of my soul
The last dance is playing my song.
She is the wind
She is strong and steady
Ever changing, going wth the flow
She is fast approaching yet calm
Until the thunder strikes
And the lightning roars
The rain will pour and she will rub it in your face
She will never be yours
She cannot be captured

She is the wind
She is forever there, yet you will never see her face
She is resilient, defiant and thick with the scent of fresh cut grass and a mans tears

She is fear
She is strength
She is surrounding
She is everything you dream
She is all encompassing to the extreme

She is the wind* and she's beautiful to see
More beautiful than I can describe in poetry
Her mind is racing with no ultimate goal

She is the wind and she will steal your soul
When the dust settles and the storm moves on
She will lose control
No one can know where she'll go

She is the wind
Fear her mind and beauty
She is pure poetry
Flowing along naturally

*She is me
heads of golden yellow stem so green and bright
standing up so tall standing so upright.

glowing in the sun in the early dawn
sat there on display in the early morn.

even in the boxes of the window sill
this lovely springtime flower the golden daffodil.

such a sight  to see such a lovely thing
just to see the daffodils in the early spring
 May 2020 Ketaki
jeffrey conyers
Tell everyone
Tell everyone, I love you.
Yes, it's true.

Suddenly, it came to me.
That every time you have gone, I feel so alone.
But when you near I just light up.

So tell everyone, tell everyone.
I love you.
And it's true love can make you act like a fool.

Look at my face?
See the grin and see it more?
Whenever she walks in?

For someone to makes me light up.
Here in my mind?
On can only be the truest of love.

And I get all shook up.
And just don't care, if you tell everyone(tell everyone)
That I'm in love.
 May 2020 Ketaki
Memories got refreshed,
Agonies got depressed.

Agony for the time I left,
A very  sweet friend that I met.

After years returning to Chicago,
Felt a moment with glee ago.

Returned, memories got refreshed up,
When he handed me a tea cup.
 May 2020 Ketaki
Feeling trapped
no way out
it’s comfortable though
no more fighting
so I give in
give up
I’m trapped
but it’s in your arms
 May 2020 Ketaki
What colour is sky?
The sky is blue.
The colour of morning,
and its delightful hue.
Fantastic forests with delightful due-
add a jewel to this cronet of hue.

What colour is sky?
The sky is pink.
The colour of twilight,
and its alluring wink.
A tinge of joy hides in the skies-
like dreams living in a maiden's Eyes.

What colour is sky?
The sky is dark.
The colour of night,
and moon's cry of lark.
Here lurk secrets never said or told,
and persist emotions, eternally unconsoled.
What color is your sky......let me know

— The End —