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1.5k · Nov 2020
Iyallo Nov 2020
Distant in the sky at night,
a profound and shiny light,
the moon slowly moves,
like a sloath on the roves.

A sensation in summertimes,
a cloud that sometimes
dresses the sky of white
when the moon guides my typewrite.
962 · Nov 2020
To the top
Iyallo Nov 2020
Spinning around the world,
living life on the top,
making me high like a spinning top
discovering a dreamworld.

The love that remains,
are the lost ruins,
of a shelter once called home,
a refugee camp? No more of a gnome

To the top of my abilities,
I fly exploring the universalities
of places far away from the single
and individual angle.
282 · Nov 2020
A day I will understand
Iyallo Nov 2020
A day I will understand you,
the power between what I share with you,
and the greatness of our relationship,
a day I will understand what it is more than friendship.

You are strong and present as the sun in the sky,
Thy are stronger than a musky
rock, and a tiger in her territory,
Thy words are everlasting and confirmatory
of a love that never fades,
a smile that evades
each critic.

You are my dolomitic girl.
273 · Dec 2020
Iyallo Dec 2020
A creature who is fast and natural,
thee are canine and elemental,
many love thee soft and hairy skin,
but I am more interested in your welkin.

Cause you are more beautiful alive
than dead and every dive in the hot
sun with you is nothing more than life,
you are white and brown and you spot
birds who fly high and insects in the dark.

You are a beautiful creation and you are a natural spark.
248 · Nov 2020
Iyallo Nov 2020
Love for knowledge drives me to read,
explore and find details in every bead,
Knowledge is a blessing given to me,
I shall not confine myself nor not let me be.

Life is made for being explored,
Love is there to be lived,
Knowledge is there not to be admired
but for Sophia to be achieved.

Conquerors of distant lands,
Poets of the most brilliant minds,
Scientists of the greatest imagination
they are all proud of their inventions.
Why shouldn't we do the same?
232 · Nov 2020
Iyallo Nov 2020
O Spring goddess reply to the young prophecies
of today's world, my studies on the ancestries
are as recent as my birth where thy resources came
with the nativity of the world which cannot be a source of blame.

You are the strength of every living being,
and every exploitation of your mother nature becomes a war,
between the artificial and rural thing,
you are the pride of every unfamiliar
species because you protected them
and have hidden them,
from premature extinction,
beside human intention
of doing evil to the unknown.
190 · Nov 2020
Iyallo Nov 2020
A women with a unique style,
a man from no phyle,
love is like a message in a bottle
escaping directly from battle.

The stars are dazzling in the sky,
the lovers are dancing in the sky,
love is something that is experienced
even by the souls whose life is tormented.

Life is better to be lived in love,
everyday is an opportunity to improve,
nothing will stop the flying dove.

Like words are given to the poet
every move is calculated in a ballet,
Love is a hymn to the couplet.
165 · Nov 2020
Iyallo Nov 2020
The green grass starts to sprout,
the first living beings come out,
the rains gently drop and signs
of a new beginning become veins
in the once sculpt and dry rivers.
157 · Nov 2020
Storm and Thunder
Iyallo Nov 2020
I sit on my back with my legs high in the sky,
I sit to find, I am on a wet and musky
rock , I sat once and found pale grass,
while now the rain like storm sprouts life like annual grass.

A storm that strikes thunders on the ground,
each space is submerged into a dark and deep sound,
while water aggregates in rivers,
the worlds of people enter bedcovers.
143 · Nov 2020
Iyallo Nov 2020
God save poetry,
the mother of all arts,
the beginning of all mastery,
it shines in our hearts.

Poetry is my muse,
It leads me peacefully
but when It leaves me with amuse
It strikes me gracefully.
121 · Nov 2020
Life: Power and Reasoning
Iyallo Nov 2020
Every day I pass my life thinking,
I think of such a great reasoning,
and I ask myself on the way.

I cannot stop thinking at one answer
Is it life a fulfilment of power?

A flower that flourish,
Is it power that vanish,
I follow my heart as it beats,
that becomes flirt in my pillow.

A noisy traffic comes out,
as a locust I eat others,
although my mind cannot shout,
my hands can convince others.

I am a man in faith
I am a woman for strength.

Those women who never give up,
as spartans died in battle brought up
with their shields, and this is my destiny.
Is it love a way of power and if such why life cannot be a fulfilment of this power.
121 · Dec 2020
Iyallo Dec 2020
Dear weather,
you are the cover
of everything to me dear
from the sun to the near
artificial lights,
our world heights.

Dear friend,
thee are the soul,
that follows me like a foul,
you are my weakness
and my fortress.

You are the mist, the fresh breeze
and you sting like a thousand bees.
Disheartening, Pride, Friendship

— The End —