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 Dec 2018 Eric daw
Gary Ask
 Dec 2018 Eric daw
Gary Ask
Do I cry for you
or do I cry for myself
as I feel you leave, never to return?

Not knowing where we go
when we are no longer here,
I retreat  to the comfort of belief in things unknown,
yet better, gentler, eternal...
For Andrew
 Dec 2018 Eric daw
Lost Girl
One life
One promise
One relapse
One mistake
One death
Two cold hands
Two empty eyes
Two lost souls
Too little, too late.
Recovery is possible.
One month clean.
 Dec 2018 Eric daw
Keith Frantz
Every predawn morning,
under starry skies,
I pass between two trees
linked by an inevitable spiderweb.

It occurs to me,
on my way to work,
I have just undone
the spider's entire workday.

Like me, the spider
stays to its pattern.
He never strays.
And never learns.

Just like the spider,
my web will be there tomorrow...
For someone to unwittingly destroy.
you are
totally right.
I'm as dry as
a desert, I'm a dead
empty land. I used to be
a  jungle  when  the  clouds
where by my side, and now that
they are gone, my trees, my dreams
they dried and died. Because of this,
nothing grows inside of me, there is
only silence and despair. I can't feel
what  I  write,  I  barely  feel alive
I want to feel human again
Oh god, I really miss
the rain
Es frustrante tener  las palabras pero no el tiempo y luego tener el tiempo y no recordar las palabras
 Nov 2018 Eric daw
Clean break, freight train
time goes on and on and on
and people move along.
Memory collectives
and iron pumps
things will happen as they're meant to
but that will never change
post-stamped scriptures
captured in Polaroid pictures.
The heartbreak will fade
as painful as it is today
time is on our side
tomorrow isn't far away
and in this moment
as the ice breaks
like splinters ripping into veins
I tell myself
I'm no longer drowning
and everything will be okay.
 Nov 2018 Eric daw
People fall.
They fall in love:
And they fall out.
They fall asleep,
And they fall for lies.
They fall into luck,
Or fall out with friends
And they fall off roofs.
But sometimes;
Sometimes, they jump.
And isn't that funny
 Nov 2018 Eric daw
Love me Less
 Nov 2018 Eric daw
The first time
you said you loved
me, it was as if
I had been pulled aboard
a life raft after being
lost at sea. But
I see now that this
raft is littered with
holes and
we are sinking, but
you are convinced
that your love is a
teacup to scoop out
the water pooling around
my ankles and you will save
us, but the teacup has a crack
down one side and
do you see where I
am going with this?
A tablespoon of water
will never put out
a forest fire; I am burning
through acres.
 Nov 2018 Eric daw
To you, I am.
 Nov 2018 Eric daw
Is that all I am?
All I will ever be?
His therapy
Never the one he’ll love
Always the one he’ll run to
Will you ever notice the storm behind my eyes?

The best kind of therapy
Used up but useless
His therapy
Never the one he’ll miss at night
Always the one he’ll “need” come sun light
Will you ever feel this heaviness in my soul?

Destined to never be heard
But always be listening
Everyone’s therapy
Fixing all your problems
Forever your sounding board
Morning, noon or night
You could never be an inconvenience right?

You’ll take all my advice
Soak up every word
Yet you’d drop my heart on to the ground
Walk away
Wipe your hands of the blood
on your ***** jeans
All you’ll ever want from me
Is free therapy
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