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Arlen Mar 2019
You looked me in the eyes
And I felt myself
Words buckled behind my chin
As I tried to keep my feelings within

Weeks passed
And I tried to forget
Those hateful words forever locked in my head

You say you want respect
But isn't respect earned
And how can I respect the man
Who pointed me to the curb

And I get your trying
But don't you think I'm trying too
And if I'm unearthed
Don't you think there's something better you could try and do

Because even if the words weren't meant
To be heard that way
I still don't know
Why those words
Are the ones you chose to say
Arlen Mar 2019
I'm not broken
Just hard to understand
And I often see my words unspoken
And feel the bitterness will never end

So, even if I wonder
How far my legs will stand
I still know
That I'm not broken
Just hard to understand
Arlen Nov 2018
Words stop
Throat shouts
Head whirls
Reality curls

Tears could be shed
In front of their heads
And then they'd know
How deep the hole goes

So I hold it in
Only letting them reach brim
And I pause my head
Check reality instead
I wrote this a while ago
Arlen Nov 2018
I love you more than words can say
More than actions could convey
And more than
Anyone could every say
They love you
I miss you
Arlen Oct 2018
You're not gone
But living through my veins
So when people ask where you are
I say nothing really changed

Though you're gone
Your memories fill us
With join and pain alike
But that's how we know
That you lived a successful life
Arlen Oct 2018
It was only when I turned to call your name
That I remembered you were gone away
Lost through time
I need to stop living
In this lie
Arlen Sep 2018
I don't see myself in words
But rather in the landscapes of our world
The things that surround my soul
And make me and this world whole

I don't see myself in words
For their meanings ******* me
Wrap me in their hold
Try to confine me
When there's still so many words untold

I don't see myself in words
For those words aren't every part
They're only some of who you see

And there's no words to describe
All the things
That set me free
Don't let words define you.
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