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Laying in a puddle of mud-
Now Thirty,
Paying for it at a spa.
15 word
 Jun 2018 Lena Sheryl
Flower Child, oh how pretty you are.
Out to me I see.

Flower Child, oh how big you are.
Out to the sunlight I see.

Flower Child, oh how changed you are.
Out to the ground I see.

Flower Child, oh where have you gone?
Your colorful petals have gone,
Your smile has gone away,
The air is colder now.

- a. r.
I once read

You shouldn’t fight to stay with someone
Who does nothing to keep you
Maybe this is true ?
I'm sorry
I can't change
What happened
Its in the past
Mistakes have been made
Regret fills my heart
Seeps into my fingertips
Into my pen
And onto paper
To express my sorry
Into apologies
That never seem to be accepted
I'm sorry
I say again
I'm so sorry.
this was after a breakup. something i thought would last forever. if you're reading this, somehow by some chance of fate, im sorry.
He felt a pain in his chest
as if he was stabbed
and stolen from
but it was only
the smile of a girl
who had stolen his heart
and broken it to a million pieces
This was written in my poetry journal about a year ago. i decided after a year i finally feel comfortable with posting some of my poems from my journal.
"one does not seek love"
she told him
"it should find you on its own"
Just because she had eyes
Did not mean
She could see
What was right in front of her
I thought what you wanted was
But now I see
All you loved
Was my money
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