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 May 2019 starchild
Robin Lemmen
There is art
In your heart
Painting pictures
When I lay
My head down on your chest

There are songs in your eyes
Singing lullabies
When you hover
Pin me down
With your stare

There is a poem
On the tip
Of your tongue
I taste it
When I kiss you

You are tortured
My jaded lover
I hear it
When you won't talk
 May 2019 starchild
shanika yrs
It  was a word from heaven
so it makes sense, sometimes
that you look up above your head
kneels down and pray for your God,
He may extend the "love"
if the prayers get heard
© shanikayrs
 May 2019 starchild
Dinner table
 May 2019 starchild
who is missing..
 May 2019 starchild
Jey Blu
 May 2019 starchild
Jey Blu
dying sounds easy until you want to die.
it gets harder.
 May 2019 starchild
You broke me
Beyond repair
Beyond help

Because now my heart isn't just shattered
But also torn
And fractured
If its even there at all

You took my trust
Then threw it to the wolves

You took my love
Then through it into flames

You took my fear
And magnified it

You took my pain
And watered it whole

You broke me
Beyond repair
 Nov 2018 starchild
The world is keeping secrets from me
maybe that the reason I bleed and fall
maybe I'm just growing closer to learning it all.

Maybe that's the reason I plead
for some sort of secret sweet release;
so I can learn the secrets
that the world keeps from me.

 Nov 2018 starchild
Francie Lynch
As a young man in love,
I was selfish.
I walked with you,
I shared food,
I slept with you,
It was my insatiable thirst;
Desire, and
I needed to gulp it,
At any cost,
For survival.
Perhaps you felt likewise.
I didn't know.

Now, being older,
Which I do
Out of love,
I do for you.
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