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Oct 2017 · 313
list of fears
tobi Oct 2017
-being alone
-getting too attached

well looks like we have a problem here
Oct 2017 · 203
learn to let go
tobi Oct 2017
some people just can't be helped
at least thats what you've told me
as ****** as it seems
you have to learn to let go
but what if you're the only thing i know
what if your hugs no longer heal me
what if i'm too far gone
some people just can't be helped
and what if i'm one of them
Oct 2017 · 187
quote #1
tobi Oct 2017
live not with regret, only memories and lessons learned in time
Oct 2017 · 657
love poem
tobi Oct 2017
i try to write you love poems
but you just leave me too speechless
there is no rhyme scheme or meter
to the rhythm of your love
just the steady beat of your heart
that has captured mine
Sep 2017 · 264
i hate goodbyes
tobi Sep 2017
i know you have to go
but please i have to know
when you're on the other side of that door
do you turn around and think about me once more?
Sep 2017 · 184
tobi Sep 2017
you make me feel young
even though my heart grows old
and tired
and weak
over years of taking a beating
the patient surgeon
took it in
and with steady hands
you mended it up
and stitched the wound
i never thought you
nor anyone
and how could i ever repay you
Sep 2017 · 361
tobi Sep 2017
the stars are resemblant of life itself
sometimes they're bright
and shining
like the good days
and sometimes it's cloudy
and their beauty is masked
like the bad days
but all you have to remember
is that underneath it all
is that the stars are still there
stars keep shining
life goes on
you just have to look forward
to the stars shining
my writing ***** lately sorry man
Sep 2017 · 261
tobi Sep 2017
you're a chapter book i can't seem to put down. there's a lot more to you and i want to keep reading you to figure it out. once one chapter ends another begins. i want to memorize every page of you, to be able to read you with my eyes shut. and after this book is finished i hope i'll be in the sequel.
i'm just rambling aren't i
Sep 2017 · 197
young dumb love
tobi Sep 2017
i love doing nothing as long as its with you. i'd spend hours with you in an empty room, and never get bored. just you, me, and our own little world. your heart beats against my ear as though it was a song. your arms hug my mind and tell me its going to be alright, never having to say any words.
Sep 2017 · 124
tobi Sep 2017
you only realize how much you love something when it's gone. when everything you know is swept out from underneath you. you only miss the sun when it's cloudy, and the stars when it's daytime. you only really appreciate something when it's gone. her arms are the anchor keeping you from floating away from this ball of rock, the magnet that always attracts, and never repel you. my mental health is nearly diminished, perhaps i'll start appreciating that more when it's gone. i appreciate you, though you are not yet gone, i am out of my mind, be back momentarily.
rambling sorry not sorry
Sep 2017 · 359
your poet is speechless
tobi Sep 2017
you are my sun when it is daytime, and my stars when it is nighttime. even when some days and nights are cloudy, i know you're still underneath it all. your arms are rays of energy that fill me with warmth and brighten my days. i look in to your eyes and everything else just seems to fade away. who knew the sky could be so pretty, although it is gray.
Sep 2017 · 125
summer love
tobi Sep 2017
summer love you set me free
summer love that is good enough for me
summer love with leaves now falling from the trees
summer love please stay with me

summer love as the leaves turn different shades
summer love don't leave me, though i'm afraid
summer love hold me these chilly nights
summer love tell me it's going to be alright
idk where this came from sorry not sorry
Aug 2017 · 419
free (verse?)
tobi Aug 2017
i wish i had the vocabulary
to explain the feelings i have for you
but something like that
would take a lot of research

your arms keep me warm
your lips erase my bad thoughts
your fingers wipe away my tears
you take away my fears

i always ask myself
what i did to deserve you
but i guess you can't
question fate

you make me want to
never stop telling jokes
just so i can see
you smiling at me

but hey
i'm okay
i'll be fine
so long as you're mine
Aug 2017 · 323
tobi Aug 2017
the thing is
when you hurt me
you'll hurt more
i guarantee it
i'll forgive so easily
and quickly
that you'll have no choice
but to question
whether i'm actually hurting or not
it will fill you with guilt
how i'll wear a mask
and say i forgive you
as i slowly close up
overthinking every little thing you told me
but no
i forgive you
it's okay
i'm fine
it's fine
tell me more of those sweet little lies
Aug 2017 · 113
tobi Aug 2017
why is it
that i could have everything i'd ever want
but i still feel empty
like there's a puzzle piece missing
and everything
comes back to you
because you're the only thing i don't have
and you completed me
but now i'm left broken
picking up the broken pieces and nicking my fingers like they were the thorns from the roses you gave me
when you said you loved me
you crossed your fingers behind your back
and you were only transparent
to others around me
because when they saw right through you
i saw a broken heart that i took in and tried to fix
but it was all a lie
an illusion
a spell
that i was under
and you were a wicked witch
i thought i could fix you
thought i could make you better
but i only hurt myself
trying to fix someone
too far gone
and so now she's gone
and now i'm empty
and tell me why through all of this
you're the only thing keeping me empty
Jul 2017 · 100
tobi Jul 2017
sometimes it's easier to nod your head and say you're fine,
than to try to explain what's on your mind
Jul 2017 · 237
tobi Jul 2017
i almost like it better when i'm thinking too much
makes me feel like i'm alive and not some dead battery found in the trash when it can no longer be used
find peace in the swirling thoughts in my head like a toilet that wont flush
because it means i'm still alive
still able to comprehend what you're saying
still able to feel.
i will live another day and get caught on something new
and probably trip
and fall
back to that low feeling i'm used to
but that's okay
because hey, after all i'm alive
and right now that's good enough.
Jul 2017 · 115
tobi Jul 2017
now tell me
what is the point of loving
when it can bring such pain
like a ball and chain
we've all come accustomed to
dragging our selfs forward
like zombies under a spell
why do we fall in love
only to scrape our knees and hands
and learn to love the pain
are we
as humans
in love with people
or in love with the idea of love
the idea of someone to hold
the idea of cheesy rom-com-like dates
do we love to feel pain?
or do we love, to feel pain?
Jul 2017 · 576
strength and weakness
tobi Jul 2017
you curse yourself
for not staying strong
but you don't take the time
to remember how long you've been standing
because even the strongest of walls have their weak points
and the toughest of superheroes
have their kryptonite
the sturdiest of foundations have their cracks
it's just a matter of time
before you crumble down
after staying strong
for so long
Jul 2017 · 151
tobi Jul 2017
she's a bit of a dreamer
yet she's wide awake
so a daydreamer
except her mind comes alive at night
with her head among the stars
so blinding yet such a beauty
such a spacey girl
such a pretty mind
tainted by the thoughts
of people with minds
smaller than hers
Jul 2017 · 303
tobi Jul 2017
i am the resemblance of a scab
that healed your wound
you kept picking at me
because you thought i was bothersome
and a sight for sore eyes
but i just wanted to help you
to heal that wound you had
to be your natural bandaid
but one day i left
left you with a scar
for you to look at and remind yourself
who used to be there
and only wanted to help you heal
and now i'll never be seen with you again
but hey, you look good
better than i thought you would
with out me you wouldn't look so pretty
hell you'd probably still be in misery
bleeding out i fell for you
but that's all i was such a shame
only used me to heal your wound
but that scar looks nice on you too
hope you don't think about me too soon

— The End —