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  Sep 2015 Tia Jane
Luna Quinn
wilted petals on,
your bookcase,
perfume fills the-
room like the echo,
melodies play as you enter,
almost out of breath,
loved to death.
  Sep 2015 Tia Jane
brandon nagley

She hath given me a home
Sent by God she was;
Unearthly, to men unknown.


She hath breathed the breathe
Of life;
Wherein all is right.


She showeth me day
In mine dismay;
She's the sparkle to me, at night.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
Tia Jane Sep 2015
Sadness is here to greet me again ~
Melancholy eyes wet with tears ~
I struggle to march through each day ~
The night comes like a blow to the chest ~
Relentless ~
Unfeeling ~
Reminders that I left ~
And now I see you holding her hand ~
And I have no one to blame but myself ~
For all these years of melancholy eyes ~

Copyright Tia Jane Fajardo
Tia Jane Sep 2015
I've been there ~
She listens with ears that only hear the pain of lovers past ~
He sees with eyes that are blurred with visions of everyone who went away ~
Love spears your insides ~
It disrupts old memories ~
It stirs them up into toxic mush ~
Until all you see is ALL the people that used to be ~
Not each other ~
The glass is stained with the past ~
Clean it off ~
Clear the smudge ~
Look at the water with clearer eyes ~
Listen to the night with ears that have long since shed an old lovers sin ~
You still can't look at each other ~
But don't let go ~
No one will hold you like she does ~
No one will protect you like his jealous arms ~

You are hers and she is yours ~
And that's all you both should see ~
Listen not to whispers of people who can never be ~

Push aside ~
The pain and pride ~

Listen to each others hearts again ~
Because the beat didn't skip ~
And when you hold his hand ~
And touch her skin ~

You'll realize that a love like yours ~
Can never be apart again ~
For Raine and Jacob
I've been there and lost. And everyday regret whispers in my ear and pulls away my sanity.
  Sep 2015 Tia Jane
raine cooper
i don't know how to do anything other than love you
even when you're the storm
pushing away shelter
i will wait for you
when you bury yourself in sadness, i will ****** my fingers and dig you out
when you can't find your self belief
i will hold your hands and love you anyway
when your mind becomes a battlefield
i will bring a sword to fight your demons

i'll become silence when there is noise
i'll be an open palm when all you can do is close your fists
i will teach you how to speak when your heart has nothing to say
and one day,  
you will die with the knowledge,
that somebody loved you,
more than she loved herself
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