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Each new year brings the same question

             What comes next?
and it was as if
the entire universe
shrank to the size
of a microscopic dot
and found its niche
perched atop
my chest

there it lingers
at once
an unstoppable force
and an immovable object
a paradox of
time and space


a black hole the
size of a quark
swallowing everyone and
everything with an
appetite unlike anything
anyone in the galaxy
had ever seen

so complete was its
crushing gravity that
nothing escaped its grasp

neither fire
nor ash
not life
not death

its emptiness was total
it gobbled up the light
and garbled what mangled
remnants of hope remained
contracting on the event
horizon's scope before

digesting the detritus
in a series of  
torturous depravities that
would make even
Marquis de Sade
tremble with a mix
of shock and awe
in his padded cell as
he begged a nonexistent
god for forgiveness
 Jan 2016 Mariana Nolasco
I held out my hand to you and said

"lets leave behind everything we no longer need as we enter the New Year"

You looked at me, smiled, then walked away

Im sorry
I’m walking on broken glass
Looking up toward the overcast
so many empty faces pass
no one looks at me
and they leave at last
I’m between the present and the past
no relationships are going to last
I’m nowhere near any kind of track
maybe if you had paid more attention
I wouldn’t be hurting this bad
my heels dig into the grass
but I guess I’m ok
everyone’s still rushing past
 Dec 2015 Mariana Nolasco
It is dangerous
To fall in love with a flame
When your words are soaked in gasoline
One look
And your whole world
Comes down burning.

Yes, the world will never understand
How easily the moth is drawn to a flame
The world will never understand
How can any one trade hearts
For such an unbearable pain.

(But you do, don't you?)

It is dangerous
To decide to walk up a bridge
What if no one is waiting
On the other side
And you're left feeling trapped
With only yourself
On a cold December night

Yes, this has happened all the times,
The coldest nights
Are spent with a constant longing  
On their lips
The world will never understand
How can a name be called out
Like a prayer
How can love be someone's religion

( but then again you do, don't you)

It is dangerous
To let someone renovate your heart
In colors of their favorite Shades
What if one day they decide
That this is just not the color for them
And your heart will shatter down
Because they have left a permanent mark
No one else can erase.

Alas, such tragedies you are talking about
Who is she who let you down
Don't you know some passions are too fiery
To last for long
Cause if they did,
The whole society would see in silence its norms
Falling down
Like ashes on a graveyard.

It is a dangerous thing
To fall in love
How can I let someone in
Without tearing myself apart
And making spaces for them
Where they can reside
And leave memories when they don't want to be around

Why do you see the world in shades of heartbreaks and wounds
Light always finds its way
And it will dissolve right across your skin
And love is a light
You'll only notice
When you see her glittering eyes
Looking down into your abyss
While the intensity of her gaze never falters

But you already have seen it happen, have not you?

But..but your words make it look so pretty
Like it is not a sin to avert your eyes upon
Like it is not a deadly disease
Tell me, woman,
Have not you had moments where you just wanted to quit this

Yes, I have had moments, a whole lot of them
But if there is one thing time has taught me,
There is nothing love can't fix
You just have to
Let it find its way to you.

And as she got up
To finally leave
I realised how my heart will always go out of way
To find reasons to love her
Again and again

And as she turned her gaze away
Hoping I don't see the tears
I myself have created
I knew I'll forever be the beat to which her heart sings,
Her first, her last and every thing in between

But there is a warning
She gave me,
A warning I now owe to you,
Between world and love,
The world always wins.
You might not let the world control
The way you feel,
But the world will not change its ways,
For something as abstract as love.

And though our hearts beat as one,
We could never be,
One and whole.

But you won't let that stop you from loving, will you?
Notes (optional)
We were younger than our feelings.
We were far behind the perfect time.
We were searching for that hour
between midnight and the next minute,
only to know that there is no such thing
- not even a lie.
They said
"True love waits"
-but they didn't tell us
what will happen
after all the waiting.
The waterbug and the ladybug
Fell in love with each other
But they couldn't work it out
They couldn't get it together
Ladybug said " I can't swim "
And water bugs can't fly

Ladybug swung down like a swing
Kissed him with her wing
One touch and the connection was made
Ladybugs love was real
Waterbug cried tears of sadness
For the first time he could feel

The day's turned into years
Ladybugs memories grew
She took her love to the waters edge
She didn't know what else to do
Waterbug was there in his lillypad home
So much his
But still he lived his life alone
Ladybug lived in his mind
There's nobody like her in the water to find

"Ladybug, I'll always love you"
He said very sincere
Waterbug then whispered in her ear
"If you ever need me, I'm always here"
The only thing that makes me different is the fact I know we're all the same.
we play the same character in this greedy game
we roll the dice and play our life’s, choose whether to do what’s right
even though it’s all the same at the end of every night
our limits our budgets are always tight
some of us rebel some of us fight
and hope that maybe the cards are in our hands tonight
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