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 Mar 2018 adept
Michael John

i got a new chair
a family affair
the other
broken like
a broken heart
on a may evening..

i felt like samson..
it is ten years since
she had cancer..
lily,wilful creature..
i stood ikea..!


i do loathe poetry
until i am ******..
and then i fall in love
all alone..

and my pen
just flows..
and the next day
ten years gone bye!
flown a lost dove..ah..


with all the rain
the agave fallen
****** puddles
in my room..
bird song
through the nights..

lost count of the tvs
now,we have 5 cats
i read adventure..
to abode beneath

a somerset maugham yarn!
i have come to like sweeping..
and have nearly forgotten
the little bamboo constructions..
by the sea..

we have one of the noisiest
kettles ever invented by man
it is a real trojan..
or sleeping in the desert
or living in my van by a stream..

drunk and free..
so,i have that chair
a long time..
the new one even worse
but good for one´s posture..
wine was so cheap..
the stars so bright..
i read the russians..
we were bare assed and naked...

the beauty of crete
i was consumed with the
beauty of crete..
their dancing sacred!
we dug holes
surrounded by family
and friends..
i dug holes so
so depressed
so beligerently..

but they understood..
if i shewn any sign of recovery
they handed along and down
a bottle of something..
which gave me some thing
like insane..
and we´d be howling and laughing
in no time..going fit to ****..

and for dinner they would feed us
or go to the soup cafe..!
or to say soup kitchen
and then to the cafe
and we get so ******
no one cared
and runnng after
the man..
to get paid and
he has no change
and a way we go again..

i was consumed with the
dazzling mountains
but the villages impossible
too quiet
too ******
time after time..
i always enjoyed wine..
the local style..
ah..the bus rides
so close to death
the silent left
donkey dread..if,
the driver met a friend
we would stop for a drink
and a lot of shouting..
i worked on our gabbage truck
when george had to have his break..
george was our landlord too bless
he gave me a present every day
he would eat half a nut and press
the other half on me..
and come in the room
when he chose..
with a wild scream..
we had a lovely garden..
and frighten everyone..

he did not want a vacation
and to show his disgust
raced in front
and picked up
the garbage..
all his money went
on cognac..
we stopped at
most bars..
and at the end of the shift
we spied on the hippy chicks..
george would get his wheel barrow
and moonlighting..
i would play backgammon..
and do some reading...
 Mar 2018 adept
 Mar 2018 adept
JJsbdksndkkdmxmjshJustletmediemmmkbhbxjdnxnbdjxbdnxnnxnxnImsotire­dofthisnsjs nkksbdndnbdthese tears wontstopjdjdnn znjsnndudndkdknfkdmssnfnjdndnndbdbdbdnWhythepainstilllivesin myheartjjxnxjxjdn mykdjdvjsndjcjndndncnxkxnkxndkdkjdnskxhjshdjddndeImsofuckingtired­msnndksnxonshxidnkxndjsjdbjdkslmsndjjdbdisbdjjdksndjdhbsndnndjdjd­ndnd

Youllneverunderstand me
 Mar 2018 adept
I've been searching for the source of these emotions
Because jealousy and other things
Are typically a result of your own perceptions
And it took me awhile to figure it out
I lost some blood along this unknown path
But then I came upon the answers
Because of something my best friend said
And now it all makes sense

I have always had a problem
With investing too much of myself into love
I begin identifying too strongly with the relationship
And any roadblocks feel as though
My entire universe is crashing before me
And looking at this one here
I've done the exact same thing

When we were first together
I told you I needed to continue working on myself
In order to avoid giving you all of my energy
And as soon as I stopped doing that
I fell into old habits

So it makes sense why I feel entirely crazy these days
Why I can consciously recognize that
You having another partner isn't the end of my world
Because you still love me
And I love you undyingly
Yet I still had overwhelming negative cognitions
That made me feel like dying

And now I realize that
In order to deal with these feelings
I have to focus on me again
Recognize that I need to improve myself
For myself
And then this will get easier
Thankfully it already has

Because I love you so much more
When I'm taking care of myself
Because instead of feeling like I have
No real choice but to stay
It now feels like a beautiful privilege
And it truly is
 Mar 2018 adept
This is not a love poem
this is an I love you do you love me like
I love you poem
do you know me like
you think you do poem
this is a would you be disappointed
if you did poem
an I have been feeling the chilling of the air
and I cant tell if it is just the fault of the season
or if you, too, are cooling
whatever heat you had for me
browning and falling and
crumbling between my fingers
like the leaves of these oak trees
in november poem
a what would I need to do to keep us warm poem
and this is also
an I may be completely mistaken poem
an it was seventy degrees today poem
this is a show me I am completely mistaken poem
 Mar 2018 adept
Ben Adam Johnston
Obsessed with the thought of you
The one who hurt me so bad
But you have had your fun
You will no longer cause me pain
I have allot to regain
Its a shot in the dark but
I hope you never loved me
 Mar 2018 adept
Raven Frost
Your skin on mine burns like
The cold salty water of the sea
Your hand in mine feels like
A swelling girlish fantasy
In the dawn I stand alone
I stand and stare

This night suddenly ending caught me unaware

Your skin on mine is like
Sunshine for the buried seeds of spring
Your hand in mine feels like
The promise of a ring
In the dawn I stand with you
I stand so still

When next I move, the moment will forever disappear
I wake again, the dream is gone
And you are never here
 Mar 2018 adept
 Mar 2018 adept
No one can know your pain
Not nearly as well as yourself
But the rope won't take it away
It just gives it to someone else
 Mar 2018 adept
Thin Ice
 Mar 2018 adept
I can't remember much this morning,
I had my headphones in,
jamming to my favourite songs,
And my hair was flowing like waves in the wind

And I saw you, about 20 feet away.
And I still don't quite remember it lucidly.
You barely waved,
And I practically ignored you.

The whole day,
I put up with these imbeciles
Your eye looks gross, are you going to go blind?
People are idiots

But then, as I fell to the ground laughing,
you caught my eye.
I felt like we had communicated in that moment,
with your confused smile and crinkly eyes.

And then we didnt talk.
You didn't come over,
neither did I.
We just didnt talk.

It was like I was meant to be there,
even though I wasnt
Like i was there for me this time,
not for you.

But I felt too ashamed to talk,
you seemed to have forgotten
our conversation last night
And I didn't want to bring it up.

I'm glad I can now lean on you,
the way you leant on me.
I'm glad that we're friends now,
but I still feel like I'm on thin ice.
Nothing is consistent in my life right now, except for the inconsistency
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