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 Apr 2015 Taylor Lynn
 Apr 2015 Taylor Lynn
I'm sorry for making you feel worst,
Maybe I'll write lines with verse
I'm begging on my knees, to remorse
I damaged your heart, all the emotions burst
The pain I gave, it's not a curse
To make you feel special again, i am thirst
All my thoughts became one even though they're dispersed.
I'm sorry.
 Apr 2015 Taylor Lynn
Back and forth gently she sways
Many masks around her at the end of the day
Tears fall slowly from her sad brown eyes
Her nervously bitten lips red from her lies
Aimlessly wondering from place to place
She's always hiding her sad but true face
Scared,and always alone she does go
No one to cares to really ever know
What does this strange girl hide
In who does such a strange girl confide?
Diamond tears fall from her sad eyes,
But she never lets anyone come close
She is truly horrid at telling lies
Her secrets no living body will know
Her heart is an ocean of secrets and tears
There has never been anyone who knows her fears
Those who get close to her always end up hurt
And for those who reach towards the fire gets burnt
Back and forth, from lonely place to lonely place
She moves aimlessly, always hiding her real face
Drowning on land in her own ocean of mistakes
What kind of hero will ever have what it takes
To rescue the hopeless and lonely Queen of Mistakes
Alone she rules the Island of Mistakes and regrets
She's set up her palace that to her no body gets
They all get close but the doors always closed
They won't love her if they get glimpse of her real face
But so many are willing to give a good chase
Look at me, please
Stop being so insecure
Forget about everything
And focus on this thing right now
Look at me, for crying out loud!
I don't care about your past
I don't care about your flaws
I don't care about your sins
I care about you
I care about us
Now, can you just kiss me
And face the future together?
 Apr 2015 Taylor Lynn
She is the woman,i love
Wiping away questions like,
When,where and how..
She is the woman,i love
Tweeting like a bird in dawn
Now,here and with a joy, so divine
She is the woman i love
seeking truths with her heart somehow
Is a bud still waiting to blossom, but how?
she is the woman,i love
Reminding of freedom like a dove in blue sky
Flying as a bird and can easily be hurt,so fragile
She is the woman i love
Through the darkness what i hope
Glows upon a star that she holds
She keeps much more than anyone knows
And since once my heart has seen how her heart flows
I began to call her so,the woman i love.
We can never know what future brings
Among your hopes,you look for a relief of a belief
Whenever i feel like being close to her grief
There i turn into a wind carrying beauties for her to give
As she has made me believe,
There is love and
She is the woman i love..
 Apr 2015 Taylor Lynn
Excuse me, may I have your attention please?
I'm screaming, I'm broken, I'm on my knees.
Everyday is a torture, with frustration and fear,
Close  your eyes and look at me, the end is near.

Excuse me, may I have your attention please?
Destruction and desperation is all I see.
Cuts and bruises are crystal clear,
Close your eyes and look at me, the end is near.

Excuse me, may I have your attention please?
I'm exhausted and empty and begging for release.
Today is a blur and numbness is all I hear,
Close your eyes and look at  me, the end is near.

But no, your eyes are open but you're not looking at me,
Your eyelids are blinking but you don't see;
I was trapped but now I surrender my barriers,
The end is not near, no, the end is here.
Stand here or just shrug away
Leave me that heart you say you've held
Forcing me to ponder hopelessly
In the deepest depths and realms
That scent-
That smile-
That eerie grin-
Still lingers in my mind
Like piercing needles puncturing
The chambers of my mind
Just wait in time
Like the ones around you will
Losing moments
Precious moments
The ones that make you ill
Deep inside of this twisted mind
I call my memory
I lock it up and keep it tight
Your secrets safe with me

                                        Alysia Marie 2015 ©

— The End —