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2.2k · May 2015
Tammy Pruett May 2015
~~~~~a dragonfly drifts by the ocean..
Caught in a breeze of saltwater kissed air...
Flying to who knows where
But enjoying each fluttering moment 
Of the journey....~~~~~
987 · May 2015
...worth it?
Tammy Pruett May 2015
she writes beauty on her world everyday
Hoping for bliss along the way.
    A simple smile will free her soul...
For a moment of rock and roll...
   Then back into her hole
She must crawl...
    Questioning, was it really worth it all ?
For ultimately it truly is....
     She would never have missed all of this :)
985 · May 2015
....tAtTeReD bOnDs
Tammy Pruett May 2015
The sound of silence surrounds her....
The crash of breaking hearts
       The scream of a love dying
The cry of tattered bonds
        To watch it all come tumbling down
Engulfs the entire space
         With an air of finality and new beginning......
Even when you watch a love come to an end...remember there is a new beginning to cherish
601 · Jul 2015
Tammy Pruett Jul 2015
You go through each day
You argue
You throw hurtful comments like confetti
You don't care where they land....
But......Then....The one you love
The one you get on each other's last nerve with
Becomes ill.
Then.... You think....What if..,
What if something happened
And they were gone???
Then you know....
All the confetti you threw in venomous spews
Should have faded before it ever flew
From your mouth well my love, and may I think before I say things I don't mean.....
555 · Jun 2015
Tammy Pruett Jun 2015
Is no fun
When you're truly
489 · Jun 2015
Tammy Pruett Jun 2015
You sit in the other room
Speaking to yourself
About how terrible I am----
Calling me names under your breath.

Your words bounce off the walls of this place,
But no longer pierce my heart.....
It is finally Enough.

I have finally
Given myself permission
To move on....

Finally realizing
I am Enough
468 · Jun 2015
Love Was Not Enough....
Tammy Pruett Jun 2015
She looked at him with eyes of love...
She saw every ounce of his goodness.

He never thought he was good enough,
And self destructed every day....

His words and actions ripped both of them apart...

She couldn't save him,
So had to save herself.....

Love was not enough.
287 · Jun 2015
Your Words.....
Tammy Pruett Jun 2015
That ache...
The longing...
What can this be?..
I don't even know you.....
Your words have pierced my soul....
Captured my thoughts...
Awakened a fire...
Led me to where I want to be...
Can we explore ...together

— The End —