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  Dec 2020 Talia
Awesome Annie
Sometimes I think his scent lingers on my skin.

Scars impossible to erase no matter how hard I scrub.

His need for me always urgent.

Firm forceful hands always taking more then I want to give.

The secret is pain can be such pleasure..

Making love to monsters in the dark.

Eyes closed and gasping.

Physical need overwhelming,
and fireworks nowhere in sight.
Talia Dec 2020
clouds bubble over the horizon
waves boil toward shore
surges of fury
of passion
onto crisp sand.
Golden eyes burst
into the day
to capture the elixir
beaming back at her
soul searching gaze.
Cracks reach
across the horizon
mirroring the eve just before,
over that same gentle shore.
A blood-orange moon
we held each other under, ****.
But that still couldn’t dazzle my gaze,
as much as you.
Written in Bournemouth. Slept overnight by the sea. Woke up to a gorgeous sunset. One of many unseen poems I wrote about my very special relationship.
Talia Dec 2020
grey misty haze
why pray for better days?
silver hues
lick moist air
in the beautiful world we share
puddles painted on the floor
revealing your unfocused stare
grey misty haze
tickling noses blue
should be enough
for you
why do people not appreciate grey days? do these days not accentuate the vibrancy of the rest, whilst being intriguing and softly beautiful in their own right?
Talia Nov 2020
Does it burn
strings of a once healthy heart?
Plucked and strummed
Just to be picked apart
Have you succumbed
To the bitterness of a
broken heart?
Was it the stench of lust
that caught your breath?
Or Seduction
Ready to plunge in
past tender skin
Pulsing with
the rush of the temporary.
Blissful remains
that you cannot hurt She
who you treasure.
Talia Nov 2020
Is it sweet
yet like a scorpion tail
Do you really remember
Not to sink but swim?
crimson casualties cascade
delicately down
a cupid’s bow
row row row
yourself in my boat
gently down
this fatalistic dream.
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