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618 · Aug 2021
going 18
will Aug 2021
roaming the streets up late at night,
we kept walking even if its dark.
just followed what feels right,
even if we didn't know where to go.

i remember we're laughing
romanticizing the years,
falling in love and getting drunk,
now im 18 and im terrified.

uncertain about the future
as we long for summer to come back
spent our time distracting ourselves
because we can't be kids again
Even if I have months before turning 18, I have this realization of how turning 18 is a sort of ritual. Where we are stuck in the middle of a transition from being a kid to an adult. This is also the time where responsibilities pile up, where I just wish I was a kid again.
559 · May 2019
in a trance
will May 2019
kissed you in the grass of march,
as i wrapped my hands around your waist,
i can feel you glow
radiating the moon's light
maybe we could lie down
and let the world go fast forward
let's stay the night
as we doze off into the stars, into the galaxy
427 · May 2017
paper and inks
will May 2017
captured in a moment.
on a single paper,
remembering in the silent,
inks fade, doesn't last forever,
together we are broken,
but we can see it in this small paper,
these happiness and enjoyment.
372 · Mar 2019
will Mar 2019
maybe i hate you, maybe i love you.
maybe i couldn’t have the courage to say this to you,
mabye this isn’t that deep.
maybe i love you
maybe i love you
maybe, you, could love me too.
but maybe, we may be together.
maybe, one day. but until then we could dream about each other.
229 · May 2018
will May 2018


  ­             e



         n            d
                                l             s

                                                              ­           p                    t
                                          ­                                         i



      ­                      m

                  t i r e d




   ­                          l

             ­                  g

f                      y
  o                      o
r                             u.
i'm so sorry if this aches your head.
219 · Jun 2019
everything's not the same
will Jun 2019
even if we just left everything from here
everything's not the same
the same as we used to be
everything's not the same
like those butterflies we see in spring
everything's not the same
even if we can't accept it
everything's not the same
we've grown
everything's not the same
we used to laugh
everything's not the same
we wish it was
205 · Mar 2019
file error
will Mar 2019
this was a mistake,
something t,hat should’ve been fixed.
we’Re not comp/atible.
thinking about you,
felt s0 <wrong. >
these feeling, hoping,
blinded my e y3 s.

ble to look ahead , , “

i l1Ke YoÛ„

error: feelings can’t be articulate , please try again
180 · Nov 2017
will Nov 2017
it feels like everything needs to be perfect,
     heart will pound faster everytime
     i’ll make a mistake.
the thoughts inside my head,
     drowning me—these are killing me—
     trying gasp every air that i can take.
i can’t take it anymore,
     tears about to burst, head’s about to explode.
     and the attack will start now.
will Aug 2019
time passes
it starts to decay
how this’ll be the end

this heart of yours
slowly disintegrate
into nothing

sunken feelings
heavy thoughts

let it go
you’ll be back
128 · Mar 2021
i just need someone
will Mar 2021
who holds my hand, as we sway
while the grass touches our feet
as we smile into the end of days

longing, waiting, for you to come
hug me, as we dance the night away
99 · Feb 2020
mumble rants
will Feb 2020
‪i just saw the venus shine‬
‪funny, how it reminded me of you‬
‪i keep trying and trying‬
‪forgetting you is so hard‬
‪i know i should ‬
‪but how?‬
‪i could only avoid you‬
‪not see you‬
‪but the way you move‬
memories with you
‪your smile—i just can’t‬

‪drafted texts asking how you’ve been‬
‪wishing i could see you‬
‪it’s midnight and you’re still in my head‬
‪nostalgia is creeping in‬
‪missing you, *******‬
‪regretting the things that i haven’t told you‬
‪i wish i was brave enough,‬
‪for you‬
originally posted this on a lofi vid in yt lol
85 · Jun 2020
will Jun 2020
when the drought is over
poured everything on to it
it smelled like the steam of hot soil
petrichor, you said

— The End —