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Kvothe Apr 2020
Putting pixel to page,
he types.


Fingers flurry away,
he swipes.


Showing symptoms of age
he writes.

Hello, I'm (maybe) back. Easing in.
Zack Ripley Jun 2019
Lately, I've been afraid to sleep.
Every time I start to dream,
I'm greeted by a banshee scream.
I find myself running but don't seem to go anywhere.
It feels like I'm on a set of m.c. escher stairs.
Eventually, I end up stumbling and fall.
And when I look up, I see the scariest thing of all.
She showed me a vision of a wall.
Engraved in the stones were all of the words I had been dying to say.
I thought I lost them.
But there they were just a few feet away.
The banshee screamed again and the ground started to shake.
The wall started to crumble and I knew I needed to fight. There was too much at stake.
I closed my eyes and focused on trying to breathe.
Then I started to believe.
I believed in myself.
That I'd find the words again.
And just like that, when I woke up, I found them right where they should have been.
Bottom line, don't be afraid to dream. Because eventually, you will realize everything is not what it seems.
This poem was written after I saw a group post about making a poem where writer's block is something chasing you
Isabella Mar 2020
Creativity is thriving in my heart.
But inspiration is falling apart.
Traveler Mar 2020
none here
Words run straight through me
all my thoughts
they just appear
systematically unruly
Traveler Tim
Mark Toney Mar 2020
Hindsight 20/20
Writer's block
My glass is empty!

Creative process
Transparently fragile
Must find my muse!
Must be mentally agile!

Struggling through
But no inspiration
Need some relief
From brain constipation

Oh, what a thrill!
My muse returns
My glass starts to fill!

From immovable object
To unstoppable force
Manipulate physics?
My muse can of course!

My glass is now full
I've just posted my poem
Alas, glass now empty
My muse loves to roam

© 2020 by Mark Toney.  All rights reserved.
2/8/2020 - Poetry form: Rhyme - "Glass is Empty" is my avatar. It reflects a play on words with my initials, as "Empty" becomes "MT" for my name. The glass represents my transparently fragile creative process. The glass begins to fill as I struggle through the process of writing, becoming full when I (finally!) complete a short story or poem. After publishing the work, the glass becomes empty again, awaiting new inspiration. Empty or full, the glass is always "MT" :) - © 2020 by Mark Toney.  All rights reserved.
Ayn Feb 2020
No words come to mind,
None spin through my head.
Their sparking shine
Has turned to a dull sheen,
And I cannot form a line.

I am left inside of this slump,
And my mind cannot think,
So now it cannot gaze
Or even drink
The wine of my knowledge.
Wine aged for 16 years, sounds very old. In a slump and it *****. Writing this took out what was left in my head. I’m blaming my influenza.
the anima sola Feb 2020
I don't write anything
Unless I have to
And even then I hold myself to ridiculous standards
Every word must be an opus
Every line must touch some place deep
My mind falters at every step
******* journal entries are written for an invisible eye
Nothing is enough for human consumption
Not this
Not anything after
It all melts in my hand
And seeps back into my body
Words never said
Dissociation is veiled upon
A vacant face and body
Waiting to be revived
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