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Camila Nov 2014
You are the reason I listen to love songs at 2am.
You are my favorite flavor.
You are in every choice, in every chance.
You are the laugh I want to hear every day,
the arms I want around every night.
You are my light.
I cant wait for next Wednesday. I want to see you already!
ev Sep 2014
They say that there are plenty of others
That I'll find someone new
Someone better for me
There are 7 bilion people in the world
So maybe if I look
I'd find thousands of other lovers

But the thing is simply
That I've never wanted thousands of different lovers
I've just wanted one
Please don't let me find thousands of other lovers
Please don't let me fall for anyone else
Please be my **one
- ev
My heart aches for you
My mind dreams of you
My body longs for you
But my mind
Reminds my heart
Which tells
My body
That all of this
Is for a purpose
One unknown to me
At this time
But one worth waiting for
cheyenne bishop Sep 2014
where is the love?
the love shes been waiting for?
the love that will hold her when she cries
the one she can joke with
laugh with
act stupid with?
tell me where is he?
it seems he is nowhere
nowhere to be found
she wants that love
that love that understands he pain her last one caused
the struggle shes been through
she wants that love that when he says she beautiful she believes it
where is he?
where is that love?
as she waits and waits and looses hope
she starts realizing she doesn't understand where he is
she waits patiently in hopes he is going to show up
but shes only 17
shes rushing her life
she needs to realize that love will come one day
not right away but one day.
a gale Aug 2014
One day, you'll meet someone
but not just anyone
Someone who brings you to your knees
Who will make you fall hard
Only realizing then
why it never worked out with anyone else
Someone amazing
who will make you take all the risks
because you know it's worth it
She's worth it.
And that's the person you'll know completely.
Seen her best parts
amazed by the way she is.
Seen her worst parts
But not being able to leave her
Even when she's being a *****.
One day you'll meet someone
who you'll love unlike anything else
who you'll fall for unlike the other times.
Someday, you're gonna fall in love
and never fall out of love.
One day, you're gonna fall in love
with that one person
with the right one.
But until then,
I'll be waiting here
Wasting my wishes
on shooting stars, eyelashes, dandelions,
11:11's, and wishing wells
Hoping that I would be that girl for you
as you are that boy for me.

*a. gale
a gale Aug 2014
Here’s to the boy
Who gave me his heart
Who lent me his days
To show me I mattered

Here’s to the boy
who gave me promises
he intends to keep
who wouldn’t mind at all
to spend what’s left
in his life
with me

Here’s to the boy
I never even met
Who might just be a dream
Or some fantasy

Here’s to the boy
I hope that exists

a. gale
MsMercedes Jul 2014
I feel so safe with you
Which is different
Because you are known as
A heartbreaker
But somehow I trust you
Somehow I don't believe
You'll break my heart
And I hope you don't
But if you do I'll be okay with that
Because I knew the riskes
Yet I still choose to love you
The way I hope you love me
**I just hope you love me as much as I love you
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