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Within each and every one of us
is a unique culture:

reaches just as far inward
as it does outward:

Just because
has imposed it's own
fascist, totalitarian, absolute
does not mean
that it has final say:
i postulate
such adacemic-fetishism
is merely a byproduct of
pushed by Big Money
rather than
a genuine insitution
of respectable edification:
that is
i see it as
a mere appeal
to authority;
a well-known logical fallacy
to those who are in the know.

Tread lightly.

Modern Academics
seems to be
yet another
corrupt branch
of Business;
little more.

Academic achievement
is not equivocal
to intellectual worth:

a graduate's degree
is moreso
a status symbol
than it is
a credential

'T'is vile idolatry
in lieu of
an individual's personal philosophy;
that's not to say it's
absolutely worthless,
but it may as well be
in today's job market
(unless it's a business degree!)

Then again,
that's just my opinion.
i guess i oughtta shut up
before Edu-nazis shut me down.

Oops, did i type that out loud?
I'm so sorry, you see,
vhat i meant to say vas:
Heil Stanford!
Heil Harvord!
Heil Berkley!
Heil vhat i am told zu heil!
Heil zhe publishing companies!
Heil zhe holders of student loans!
Heil egredious student debt
in lieu of philosophical discourse,
let alone progress!

Heil vhat i see on TV!
Heil *******!
Heil alkohol!
Heil gasoline!

Do not qvestion zhe dogma;
go back zu sleep, you sheep!
Yet another write intended to be easily digestible by the masses, without any sort of difficult, contentious, or otherwise thought-provoking material so as to preclude any sort of discomfort or disagreement.
Written solely to be popular and to reinforce the status-quo.

Maybe I should stick to music. Y'know, something everyone can agree on. ;)

Poet kiri Jan 2016
A letter to my dear,
Sons and daughters
In a foreign language
Not known in my time,
But with hope in yours.
Where they may have fixed the
Imbalance of life.

I wish not to depress you,
But repress your mind
As my first impression is to point
A finger to time
The one whom answers
Questions in installments.

For this man once put me on stage
And my agenda was to impress
Twice to the infinite I could count
But I couldn’t find that one in my life.
Where are you?

Thus the nature I was born in,
Is to interest the world
And not bore it with normality
Not knowing that peace comes in many ways

For this foreign language
Seems to be a new era
Of blank pages that could be
Filled with one word

For yesterday I did things of shame
That are great for a story
That would become fame
Just the perfect ice breaker in my time.
Tip for if you ever find\have TIMEtoTRAVEL

Thus my vote belonged to extinction,

Justice is a commodity
Of the rich
As poverty is beautiful
Beautiful without the eye’s of the lens.

Though I don’t have doesn’t mean
Am not/I can’t
As My sight is set to the sky
Chasing a flower in the clouds as
I am still on the ground investing an idea.

Thus the gap of the market to success
Is the economics of humanities fate
As the scarcity of fear rises
Demand and supply seem to be losing
In a relation of ships
At  bay lacking goods.
On this graphic coordinates

Just may you understand
Humanity has no time to
Find you in the dark
For smoke signals will be put out
Neither translate your existence
If it’s not the curiosity that killed the cat.
Like “Chuck Norris whom speaks French in Russian”.

For they live on a constant
Quote status of
“I am available, but busy
At school watching a movie,
While at work
With a battery about to die
So I can’t talk, Whats App only
In a meeting at the gym
Sleeping on urgent calls only.”

As I myself live knowing
What is your translation of my existence???
For it seems your mistaken and troubled.
For generations to come.

Yours sincerely;
Poet Kiri

PS: Life has gone digital
       Thus its STATUS RATED ®.
                                     Yours truly;
                                       Is to be the ONE.

©Hansmind, 2016
Hello again to all.
Thanks a lot for your support each and every day.
Thank you so much again.
( The ending poem of collection STATUS RATED R.)
Poet kiri Jan 2016
Doctor , doctor
I got a knife
Through the back of
My heart

I seek for advice
Yet you hand me
A prescription
Written revenge

That the pharmacy
Is selling over the counter
A pill I seemed to have overdosed on.

I swear I could
Hear my unconscious
Shout STOP
Enough is enough
As it regained conscious.

Yet one pill
Is all I took.

Coming back for an alternative
That could help me
Deal with my victims haunting
Whose case is now the living dead.

while my pain
Became guilty
Thus your prescription
Received a judgment
From the law.

I stand in a box
Behind bars
With an addiction
So sweet you could
Taste the sour bits.  (Vice versa)

As I thought outside the box
Floating along the Mediterranean

What else could you
Prescribe for I the being
Whose love is over diluted
And depression  is a trending disease
And all that you are meant
To make feel better.

My story
Is now your study
As you google through books
For a diagnosis.

©Hansmind, 2016
Hello, and a happy new year to all.
Thank you for your continues support.
Thank you.
(belong to poem collection STATUS RATED R.)
sked Dec 2015
****** drunk as hell walking into
That common ******* office
Where you stand there rubbing money along your ****
And asking me to get down on my knees and smell it

You ask me that one more time I'm sure to do
Then I'll bite that ******* **** of yours
And watch that bleed over your ******* money
Grab the foul paper and shove it up your **** and watch it shred to millions of pieces

For shame
Not even your money could live inside you.
Harmony Nov 2015
Animal Human
He creates
What he conceives
Once Created appears
Before him
He knows not where it came from
He believes it to be him

He who can witness
He who can reach the realm of the spirits,
Beyond all created,
Beyond all conceived,
Is not animal
But divine

Divine's realms only seen
When  creation the illusion understood
The layer of color and caste must go
The layer of status must go
The layer of religion must go
The layer of riches must go
The layer of  politics must go
For the All-encompassing Divine Needs None

All-encompassing Divine IS
Where all created a thin layer
Where color and caste thinner than thin layers
Where religion thinner than thin layer
Where riches thinner than thin layer
Where politics thinner than thin layer
Where Divine the Essence
Where Divine the Majesty
Where Divine the Immeasurable
Where Divine the Timeless
Where Divine the Stillness
Retracted Within
Rested Within
JDK Nov 2015
I like telling you things that I won't remember saying.
Time Portal*
Day Oct 2015
Peasants underestimate,
the sacrifice of a King,
all they see,
are the fancy things.

when in actuality,
they are more free,
then he ever,
will be.
i was inspired by camelot.
Poet kiri Oct 2015
It's said
That a picture is worth
A thousand words
Yet today
A glimpse of life
Writes  a
Series  of novels

The word impossible
Lacks an existence
For we have done
it possible the unbelievable

Bringing hell
Upon Heaven
Yet still
Bare to live in it

Humanity is a failed
Experiment in this scientific lab
Where we going as the end gets closer
The truth is set to put us on the wrong
In a time like know
We  need the key to freedom
Not only choose a new destiny
But one for our home
Stop searching
The answer is in front of you
Have a glimpse
And listen to the
Voices of the poetic mirror

You can't ******* a giant
With a vision, is a plan

If dreams are delivered by
Passing comets
There worth a wish
We grant ourselves
Yet prosper to make them valid

To be  seen is
You looking in the mirror
To be  felt is
Facing the world head on.

©Hansmind, 2015
Hey guys it been a while since i posted but i am back.
Thanks for the continuous support with the posted poems already.
This poem is part of my collection STATUS RATED .
(which i recently completed).
Read, Enjoy, Share and Like
Thank you.
E Townsend Sep 2015
Two linked sugars
make up a disaccharide.
And that’s what we are-
simple, plain table sugar
dully passed back and forth
to sweeten our taste.
Sometimes I'll accidentally
switch the shakers for breakfast,
hand you the salt
just to change up the spice.
And sometimes I regret
the bitter words
you exchange in return
for breaking the boring
status quo.
who says you can't learn a new word in biology
Wade Lancaster Aug 2015
five steps forward nine steps back
sideways motion
direction other
not as planned
but four is lucky

universe multi
many theory
twelve is the divided tribe
plural perhaps
light years away
same distance from the sun

gobekli tepe
smart find recent
dumb place
buried from sight
Baalbek mystery
stronger than ants

relationship status
to me

thoughts many
wrinkles a-plenty
convoluted memories
two minds
intermingled in thoughts
hearts divided

thinking deeply
shallow breathing
thoughts very distant
looked very close at
remembered seeing
brain in a jar

brain in jar
house of glass
lonely life
mind meld memories
with brain in jar
any thoughts
The only positive direction is up. Twelve tribes were scattered throughout the universe. The multi-verse. 235 genes, found only in human DNA. Children of the stars. 24 point nine hours in near space.
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