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Erik Luo Dec 2019
I am me.
But who am I?
I am god.

But who is god?
God is you.

I am you.

I am love.
I am fear.
I am happiness,
And I am sadness.

I am the soul, the body, and the mind.
I am wealthy and poor,
The beauty of the world.

I am love.
I am god.

I am who you are.

I am what you choose to be.
Whether you choose love or fear,
I love you.
And I know you love me.

I am the flowers.
I am the sea.
I am the sky and the clouds.

And I watch you,
And I love you,
And you love me.

You love me so much that I become you.

I am grateful,
For being you,
For being love.

So much love,
That everything becomes love.
Even death.

I am you.
I am god.
And I love you with all of my beings.

So live,
Live as if you are me,
Live as me!
Live from the love I give,
Live for you are my most beautiful creation.

And be,
Whatever you desire.
For you are my love,
And I am your being.

I love you,
Erik Luo Dec 2019
When I speak to you
Like the rain drizzling on your skin
It hit your body
But it can’t reach your soul

I wish you can remember
The rain that you were born
Because your body might be wet
But your heart is already dry

Let me reach you
With a drop of love
And let that cold drop
Warm the heart of your soul
To remember who you are

A raindrop
In the sea of my existence
Erik Luo Dec 2019
I am the greatest evil.
I wrote this poem.

A wise man once said nothing because he knew no matter what he says he is saying it to himself.
He is the sound itself
He is the time
He is everything
He is you

All arguments are meaningless because you are arguing to yourself.
Is all a joke.
A giant brilliant joke.

Like everything I’m afraid of is me.

You realize just how hard you are trying to fool yourself.

Like time is everything and everything is time.

This is so stupid that it is smart.
This is so bad that it is good.
This is so evil that it is holy
This is so beautiful that it is ugly
This is so true that it is a false
This is so brilliant that it is dumb
This is so funny that it is sad
This is so good that it is bad
This is so me that it is others
This is so crazy that it is sane
This is so big that it is small
This is so high that it is low
This is so perfect that it is imperfect
This is so impossible that it is possible
This is so normal that it is a miracle
This is so fun that it is boring
This is so hot that it becomes cold
This is so down that it becomes up
This is so light that it becomes dark
This is so good that it makes you suffer
This is so touching that it makes you cry
This is so life that it becomes who you are
This is so meaningless that it becomes meaningful
This is so great that it becomes evil
This is so much love that it becomes hate
This is so much pain that it becomes the pleasure
This is so hard that it is easy
This is so fast that it becomes slow
This is so great that you want to die

This LIE!!!
All of it!!!
Is so ******* beautiful!!!

Like I am every infinity of a second.

The fact that people pertaining to be like they don’t know each other allows them to know each other.

Like you want to make everybody know this is the you.

We are each infinite individuals.

Let’s keep going
This lie called life

Let’s keep going
This lie called time

Let’s keep going
This lie called self

Let’s keep going
This lie call love

Let’s keep playing
This game of lie

At first, you are questioning who you are, then you are questioning who is questioning who you are, then you are questioning who is questioning you questioning who you are.....

To become everything is to become infinity, to become infinity is to become one.

I am the art that is trying to make the art to art themselves.

I am the lie that’s trying to lie to themselves so they all think that it is true.

Everybody else is just me pretending to be someone else.

We are so enlightened that we unenlightened ourselves.

Like how you wrote this poem just now.
An old poem from a few years ago, the second poem I ever wrote. It is all over the place and very chaotic without a lot of descriptions. Still, I think I tried my best
Erik Luo Dec 2019
Life is an infinite singularity in a single point of nothingness.
Art is a mirror for one to see their soul.
Self is an infinite illusion.
Love is an infinitely selfless act with a selfish motive.
Fear is an infinitely selfish act with a selfless motive.
A thing is an infinite nothingness.
Everything is infinite nothingness.
Nothingness is infinity.
Nothing is nothingness, not even space and time.
Good is a single perspective that created bad.
Bad is a single perspective that created good.
All meanings are meaningless.
Meaninglessness creates infinite meanings.
Truth is false within time.
False is truth within time.
Time is causality within space.
Space is infinite nothingness.
Belief is the fear of being wrong.
Being only exist in the present.
The present time is all the time, and it doesn't exist.
Existence does not exist.
Blissful Nobody Dec 2019
will I know when I am near,
near the brink of inexistence,
in this human form,
when I sleep a final time ?
will I know the eternal existence,
when this human form will be lost?
the cosmic stitching that holds,
my entity to this form,
will wither and loosen,
these tethers that exist,
will all be gone.
will I know when I am near?
will I know my eternal infinite form?
All people live downstream.

Copyright 2019 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and human-rights advocate his entire adult life. He just finished his first novel, A CHILD FOR AMARANTH..
riley minteer Dec 2019
when i've reached a proper altitude,
all will be as it should
and when i've reached that final peak
i will then be understood

silence hangs upon the valley
like a cloak of grey despair
nothing comes, nothing goes
never is there fruit to bear

so i leave my place of living,
i run across the county line
somehow i'll make it to the mountain,
no guarantee i'll come back alive

if i do then nothing changes
if i don't no one will cry
and when i've reached that final peak
i’ll finally be seen as I.
-riley minteer
“the final peak”
(from “seeds of change”)
Thursday, November 28, 2019
riley minteer Dec 2019
return in pieces,
return to He
violet grasses envelop me
forest floor
seeded ancient,
resisting blight
shadows cast infinite light...
...a medium dampened by the night
hold my hand as i
violent, devoid lack sense, selfless i,
you dig relentless
grasses sense the scent of
glasses within parcels, platters
broken glass, shattered and scattered
you are glimmering, ghastly, strange,
all you are is selfish, vain
glass grows underneath my skin
underneath my skin is pain

often did i call for help,
never did it make a change
never did the music stutter
never did i share my pain
mader, madre, magdalene
you scour and scorn a thorn’d gaze
you hurt and make joyous exclaim,
then grimly cast infinite rain.
-riley minteer
“ grasses sense the scent of blood”
(from “seeds of change”)
Thursday, December 5, 2019
I am no poet nor elysian saint.
I am nothing more than a
living record of transgressions:
odes and testaments of
tarnished gold intentions.

it is for naught: sincere
folly to search for an
elusive inner meaning.
I cannot ascertain if
any exist. take heed to
proceed with caution

there are years which
answer; providing insight,
clarity, a gateway to serenity.

yet there are the years
yielding naught but
empty questions


soundlessly across
the starless horizon.

these hands are riddled
with memories of all
that I burnt, broke
and dismantled.

scorch marks
embellish my skin:
lamenting cries tasting
of ashes and insidious intent.

whenever home is no longer
hospitable; the foundation
crumbling under derelict
decay and dilapidated
compassion. empathy
common sense.

where does one begin
unravelling the shards of
broken bonds, presuming
to eradicate the distorted
fragments of fermented
claws, kisses, and teeth?

I am a storm with skin:
volatile, tempestuous,
forever untamed by
human hands.

do not misinterpret
the agelessness of
my Soul as a catalyst
for destruction.
chaos is no longer the
joy in my heart.
June 22nd, 2019

I never meant to hurt you.
please know this.

© kalica calliope delphine
Kenshō Dec 2019
should be asleep
but the rain is dreaming
across the empty land
resting moonlight streaming
edge of midnight's ocean
my criticism is blunted
moments frozen in motion
why can't we see everyone
as children and spirits

should be asleep
after all gods curves
are deep and steep
and i am astray and small
i've lost hours of mine
and been late yet
i didn't have the time
or a date set
we are all running so fast

should be asleep
one last thing before i dream
'nd join the rain in dance
is that the universe knows
much more than it seems
'nd you are sharper in trance
as we all doze
planet earth slows
we find nightly death
as divine cosmic breath
births the expanse
written to
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