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We had a history,
You leaving me is still a mystery.
You woke me up in reality,
That you loved me without sincerity
I was eaten by my anxiety,
Still having this misery.
Even if you hurted me,
You'll still remain in my memory.
Wrote this last year
Pax Jul 2018
Your sincerity
becomes a
menial job.
There are too few good doctors now a days. This is just how i feel in my country.
Mary Velarde Jul 2018
When will you ever stop
writing your apologies
in cursive?

When will you ever stop
putting them
on sand?
Brenda Mukisa Apr 2018
You are,
Mother of mine.
So small yet so wise
worrying about small things too much
perfect must be perfect for you to appreciate
you'd build a mountain out of nothing in every sense
you've loved me proudly, fiercely and protectively

Worrying about me on days I choose not to notice
having all the hope in the world in me
you belive in me
but above all... you wish me too much best.

Mother of mine
she dances on busy streets when she is happy
holds information of bigger towns in a small town
smiles wholly
tells every one who cares to listen that I will visit
stays up all night waiting for me.
And sits with me till the sleep comes for me.
takes time off to hang with me all day

Mother of mine
I will try my best to love you as much as I know how
I wish to hold your tender small body and hug you forever
pour all my love to you
to show you how much I love and care for you.
I may not scream it, but I love you.
Dearest mother.
Ileana Payamps Dec 2017
And here I have been able to find refuge.
It is more than a simple pencil and paper.
This is where my tears fall and my smiles last.
This is where I have been able to find purpose, sincerity, and freedom.
I have found love and understanding.
This is where I found my talent.
Here I have found my sweet escape.
This is where I found myself and I decide to stay.
In the pencil and paper.
my sweet escape.
Jikai Zheng Nov 2017
I kept you in my heart too long
knowing you were the perfect leech
parasites are meant to take over
especially, when you're already weak
You were the perfect distraction
but, you only gave me empty thrills
I needed you to be there for me
but turns out ghosts aren't real
I should have saw this coming
through your false sincerity
thought you had given me love
when all you gave me is pity
if my words are not verse,
then it is your name I shan't curse
alex Oct 2017
if there
has to be named,
one thing i like is
the way the ocean
is unabashed
in loving the land,
waves kissing shores fierce;
the way the sky
cries and shouts
in his misery;
the honest way
facts stay true:
water flows always down,
freezes always ice,
dies always unseen.
if there is anything
whose taste i adore,
it's sincerity as
my stone heart offers
no empathy, as
news break hearts
and not all souls weeped.
if there
has to be named,
one thing i like is mystery.
it is in the way fire licks
and flickers and burns and
playing is a bet
of safety and danger,
how the weather roars
or settles calm as dead;
it is how my lips
are pressed tight
against each other
and my heart a windowless,
doorless house.
mystery in the way we smile
behind frowns or cry
behind laughter.
if there's anything
whose taste i adore,
it's the mystery
i subjected on you:
is this heart cruel
or kind?
Darius Jul 2017
I thought of you less today
But not a day goes by
That I don't wonder if you're doing okay
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