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Semicolon Jun 2018
Hey mom-dad, listen.
Hit me, hate me, throw me out,
But don't shut me up.
My dear mom, my dear dad,
Please listen to me talk.
You're the place where I can unveil myself and be true to who I am.
You're the place where I can pour my heart out and expect to be heard.
You're the place I want to spend my life talking and being heard.
Please don't tell me to shut up
Because I talk too much,
Because no one likes what I speak,
Because I talk *******,
Because no one would listen to me,
Because I need to stay silent sometimes,
Because nobody likes the stories I have to tell,
Please don't tell me to shut up,
Just because that's what I need to do.
Listen to me.
smokey basil Mar 2018
I squeeze my eyes shut,
I cover my ears,
I take deep breaths,
because I don't want to hear.
I try to shut my mind down
because I don't want to know
what is going on outside of me.
Poetic T Mar 2018
I think sometimes my thoughts
are hijacked by a ventriloquist
hiding within me.
as words that were only syllables
                      speak out of context
yet I know I didn't wish to say
it like that or did I really?

I'm misinterpreted because I say
it as it is, I blame it on the
       ventriloquist sulking within.
Freeing words expelled over distance.
My mouth closed but words heard escaping out.

Then I speak,  
               I don't really care,
               I say it as it is...
vega Feb 2018
a severed midnight
taking the calls of a thousand
dreaming souls, fading

i wonder if the rain will wash us away

drifting into a somnolent embrace
against clashing tides of aegan
until i have sand between my fingers
breathing in the hawthorn blossoms

reaching again until it falls
and stops crying beneath my feet

just close your eyes and softly
rest amid sounds of synaptic crickets and
faint traces of chanterelle
between your slightly-open mouth

waiting to hold onto forbidden auguries
coalitions of sweeter reveries
i couldn't find behind your eyelids

and then, perhaps, after a million years under
the stars, i'll open my eyes to revelations

the light sleeps on. where can we be alone to watch them?
we can't comment
on my poems
we think
might get sad

now you
me mad


is my
we must ****
that stench
hold my nostrils
while we wonder why

don't fall in love
Tatiana Jan 2018
I'm young and I shouldn't preach
but at least listen to me speak.
I have dreams about
what this world could be.
I have ideas
on how we could be
and to discredit me
based solely on my youth
tells me more about you
than you could ever tell me.
Who silenced you
when you were young?
Who taught you that
the younger generation is dumb?
Who taught you it was okay
to silence those youthful tongues?

Who silenced you
you silencer?
Inexperience is a thing, and i acknowledge that. But don't shut down what a person says just because they're young. Because discussion is also a thing and a much better learning tool than telling people to shut up.
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