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Colm Oct 2018
Who are you?
    Chaff on the wind?
    Child on the swing?
    An acorn falling midst the thick of Fall?

And what are you?
    A babbling brook?
    A winding road?
    Or a born tree with lead lined ink, skyscraper tall?

Why are you so?
    A constant ache?
    A worried mind?
    A mentality amongst those most small?

And who are you?
    And what are you?
       And why must I ask?
         Are you even here at all?
Who, What, Why?
amber Oct 2018
I like to think
I know you

but what if
I don't?

what if I'm in love
with a past version
of you?

is the old me
wrapped up
in the old you?

how am I to know
when nowadays

you shut me out?
Esther Oct 2018
I have 2 questions:
One, will the scars fade?
Two, when they do
Will i forget about you?
I disappoint everyone anyway. Why try?
Meruem Oct 2018
If I put my faith in you,
Would you do the same thing too?
If I put my faith in You,
Would you make my dreams come true?
Faith without work is dead.
someguy Oct 2018
Am I dead, or am I alive,
Do I exist, or am I a dream,
Inside someone’s head for just a while

Where do I go, where do I flee,
I do not know, I do not feel

No answers given, only questions,
And through the unbearable longing this pain tortures
AD Letwixt Oct 2018
there are lots of questions that dont seem to have answers

i sometimes think

or answers too awful to endure

so i just let them drift off in the languid water

Shimmering forms fading away
What am I doing in my life?
"You are living it."

Am I where I should be?
"That answer belongs only to you."

Do I matter? Does my life?
"You alone decide."

Where do answers come from?
"An ever-growing heart and mind."

And if I cry uncontrollably?
"Love is eternity in the making."
Tyler Matthew Oct 2018
Please don't get upset
when I tell you I've been drinking.
It's the only thing to do
that'll keep my mind from thinking
of the day we split apart
just as the sun had started sinking.
But I think I see it coming up, yet.

And please don't ask me how
I let the passion pass away
when you were always the only one
who could brighten up my day.
These kinds of questions have no answers.
Ain't there something else to say?
Just say it to me, here and now.

I know you think about me
when you lie awake in bed.
But you've got too much pride to call,
you just go to sleep instead.
And that's why when I see you now
it's lightly I must tread.
My whole wide world is hanging by a thread.
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