The soupy morning fog
Blankets the rolling mountains
In a translucent mask of
water Vapor and reflected light.
As the lone Peregrine circles High above,
somewhere Just south of Heaven.
Peering through the mist,
with Unrivaled eyes, and a predators heart.
The Dove preens his feathers unaware.
I stand on a cliff side the sole witness
to this spectacle of
life and death about to occur.
Both mesmerized and horrified,
as the falcon begins its dive.
It's over before the dove even knows it's begun.
As I stand overwhelmed
in a cascade of conflicting emotions.
Realizing I've learned a lesson today
but not knowing for sure What it was.
This is what you get from watching the Discovery Channel
This has been added to my you tube channel
or search @tsummerspoetry on you tube.