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Kewayne Wadley May 2018
Just jumping in.
Everything comes to a halt.
The first few moments don't seem as bad.
Depending on length.
The line of cars.
In a sea of metal
Something wow happens.
Metal crashes into metal.
Causally passing by.
Everyone is okay.
Making sure to see what happened
They drop speed.
The police attempt to make it through to the scene.
Little to no debris.
No never-mind to the expensive cars brought to a halt.
The Mercedes Benz, the Porsche out of place slow moving along.
A Black Nissan Sentra with two kids playing in the backseat.
The other side is free to go as they please.
Compared to most places this is nothing.
Try New York. Atlanta. Texas to name a few.
You just jump in, moving from point A to B.
Life is admittedly too short to walk a great distance.
A two car pileup a few miles ahead.
Bumper to bumper no one gives space to breathe.
A Cadillac honks in frustration.
The Black Nissan honks back in attempt to get over.
Inching closer to maneuver it's way in front.
After everyone takes a glance at the pileup.
Traffic is back to normal.
The two kids continue to play like nothings happened
Lyn-Purcell May 2018
Patience made me a Queen
when one called me
a slave to my

I choose who I follow
I choose what I follow
I have a choice as well as will.

But thank you.
Your ignorance and lack of respect has only added to my wisdom.

Life is a marketplace where you meet all sorts of people.
In a world of diversity,
I give all respect.

When one crosses the line,
they aren't worth the time.
Right now,
I'm polishing and shining my crown.
I found myself remembering what someone used to say about me choosing to follow a faith.
And worse, they kept saying it.
So it's not something I will ever forget.
If anything, it fuels me more.
I'm friends with people from all works of life.
Some from the LGBTQ, others are atheists, agnostics, and various cultures.
We may disagree but we all respect each others opinions and not force how we feel into others' head.
But I'm grateful to have walked away from toxic people.
I can focus on me and my dream.
robert May 2018
Hi mama,

It doesn’t have to be Mother’s Day
For me to come up and say
That I love you (it's not just in May!)
Endlessly forgiving: your mother’s heart

Warm and caring in every way
Those without kids could never
Truly understand – including me
And even though you passed fifty,

Your patience with me is boundless
At times seems everlasting
Even though you passed fifty,
Your beauty and grace still blossoms!

Though you passed fifty,
You remain ever so young and full of spirit
Thank you for being my mother, mom
And thank you for letting me be your son, too.

Thank you for believing in me
As I believe in you.
Happy Mother's Day mom!
Kewayne Wadley May 2018
And there I rejoice
In the depth of the well.
Realizing the way things are.
Are not exactly what they appear.
It takes courage plummeting after the first step.
Content in a excitement disguised as fear.
This was love, one splash at a time.
Then silence.
The center of all knowing.
To think is to create a problem when none exists.
Thus we overcome in stillness.
Satisfied with quenched thirst.
The water rises.
Overcoming fear.
To become selfish means to over indulge.
Desiring more than what the mouth will hold.
I rejoice knowing the center of your heart.
Without expectation of leaving again
Daisy Rae May 2018
He’s gone now
Not gone forever but gone for awhile
He’ll be busy
And won’t have the time for me
But I still
Sit by the phone and wait

Hopefully it rings...
Salmabanu Hatim May 2018
In a hurry,
Driving down the road,
To meet an important client,
Seal a major deal.
The car in front me moved at a snail's pace,
I fumed with anger,
I writhed with impatience,
I continued to honk,
No change.
I  inched closer,
Saw a small sticker,
On the car's rear,
"Physically challenged,
Please bear with me."
My anger balloon burst,
I cooled down,
I leaned forward on my steering wheel,
Drove slowly,
I felt protective of the driver.
Patience is a virtue,
I understood now.
I reached  for the appointment late,
The client too was late,
Blocked in the traffic.
Kindness pays.
Aa Harvey May 2018
What’s in a name?

Butterflies do not taste of butter
And unicorns are not made from corn.
Blue bottle flies do not come in a blue bottle
And a lady bird is not a bird at all.

But what is in a name anyway?  We do not get to choose it.
It is forced upon us when we are born.
Parents hope their child will be inspired to become something amazing,
But we all lose something, when we lose our innocence
And we lose as we learn how to listen and to talk.

Some animals, given enough time, will inspire us to give them a name,
Befitting their personality.
But no child can be given such a privilege,
Because of the demands of society.

The instant we are conceived,
The arguments of a proper name do begin.
If only we were given more time to see the child’s personality,
Maybe we would be able to change our reasoning.

But dreams are simply wishes that are too quick to be gone,
To ever be fully appreciated.
If we took our time during the moment of name-giving,
Maybe the idea of what is right, would somehow become shifted.

Patience is a virtue and time is precious;
So take your time to see the bigger picture
And maybe you could make a difference.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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