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Amanda Hawk Jun 2020
I used to talk to fill up the space

Words tripping, fluttering from my mouth

And I became my own white noise

Felt you always lurking in the hallway

Peeking through the doorway until I slammed

The door, loud crash that would reverberate

Slamming into the walls, I hadn’t always

Been so welcoming to you and you had been patient

While I clumsily stumbled and I pushed you away

Afraid of your embrace, my nerves ****** and jumped

Moth wings my lips, and the words tripping, fluttering

From my lips, and you had always been a light

Flickering, hand out-stretched, your smile invited

I don’t know why I had been afraid
Catnip Lily Jun 2020
The rain is pouring out of my soul
The roaring thunder left me cold
The blaring lightening is indeed bold
A sad story of a lady behold!
O Lord of the magnificent world
Please give us thy blessing tenfold
A prayer for me and all the readers ... Dear Lord please give thy blessing a billionfold.  
A wordly test that is difficult for me to endure, so resorting to poetry is the way to free my soul.
Philip Lawrence Jun 2020
A patient heart never tires,
as it sees all is yet possible,
dare believes all eternally imminent,
as it skillfully contorts the truth,
happily feeding the delusion
until the heart finally beats irregularly,
straining from ages of neglect,
famished from the absence of reciprocity,
the denial unearthed,
rendering the muscle damaged,
no longer capable of the largesse
which had long infused hope,
the brittle harmony broken, leaving
only the memory of what might have been.
Mansi Jun 2020
It’s hard to see
everyone fit in while
you’re an odd jigsaw puzzle
Be patient!
You fit in with God
And the beautiful community
He provides
Mari Jun 2020
At a certain point of life
We all feel lost, scared and confused.
But in the end,
We'll be there
Where we should be and
Where we belong.
It just takes
kolsmusing Jun 2020
earnestly pray
for what your heart wants
and patiently wait
for it to be granted
Life, if not a gift,
then what else is it,
a hurdle race, yes,
but are they for you to stop.

Did you lose hope?
why was then no despair?
why didn't you give in?
to the anger, why you lived?

You still regret, don't you?
those old memories,
why are there now comparisons?
with people, you care no more.

You have an ambition,
desire to achieve,
dream you can't unsee,
then don't sleep in sadness.

FIght back the tears,
no moment to spare,
conquer your fears,
a gift then will emerge.
Ash Jun 2020
Slips of time,
Stolen by,
The frustrating cry of empty space.
Just 3 words, just 3 breaks,
The clock ticks by,
I see your face.
Skin for every pocketed minute,
A strand of hair for each delayed train,
A minute here, A minute there,
An hour lost in anywhere.
Slips of time,
Stolen by,
A friend from a better place.
You're with me always in places I refuse to see,  
Teaching me to tune a better melody.
Charlotte T Jul 2020
For the price of patience
she was gifted with the opportunity to heal,
and received a foreign feeling in return for her strength;
the type of love
she had dreamt of.
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