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I hope you never know how much pain you’ve caused.
I still defend you with my every breath.
The hope I entertained, it now is lost:
All of the hopes of you, I put to death.
There is no reason now for me to stay.
This anger burns hotter than I can scream.
And now, all I wish to do is escape
Because, with you, I cannot feel my dreams.
I longed for what I used to think was real,
But now I know that love is just a lie.
So now I’ll let you go, and I will heal
And wait for someone else to show me why
Love is not wrong, misplaced, or worthless, see—
But love like that can’t happen now for me.
Homework, thou art a most wearisome ghost
Who doth chivy and harry my frail bones
To their shatterment, to amuse the host
But I shall not delight them with great tones
Of fear and agony, nay; with homework,
I shall blast the fearsome foundation flat
And though my heart bids me to papers shirk,
Quiet strength am I, and never fearing
What mere letter or stroke may do to me
For I have but one desire: to learn
And to become the best that I can be
While for homework no sense I yet discern.
What shall tear me down from where I now stand?
Only homework, which I cannot remand.
You run through my veins like a lightning bolt
As my soul escapes from an endless dark;
The murmur of wonderings in the vault:
You ignite the points of my soul to spark.
You're everywhere I wished that I could be;
You exhaust my efforts to be someone.
You're everyone I tried to impress & please;
You pull the at the ends 'till I'm all undone.
Why do you chase me around in my head?
Why don't you just let the shadows be?
You fill me with even the smallest thread
Of your being; I am overflowing.
     I just want more, but I cannot afford
     The exhaustion from sleep-walking each night.
I cannot place the words inside my heart;
They speak without the language of my mind.
And no translator ever faced a part
The difficulty of this certain kind.
I think my spirit longs for something warm;
But that is too abstract a feeling, true:
Perhaps it longs for shelter from the storm...
I doubt it likes all that it's been put through.
My soul has far too much to just express;
It must be a headache to the list'ners.
Its potency is void to the masses.
O, how my heart moans; it is prisoner.
     Distant it is feeling; words cannot say
     Just how far my heart has been pushed away.
Why do you even try to say my name?
What will you ever gain from painful sounds?
I do believe your love was all a game,
Not real enough to lift you off the ground.
Why do you even try to call me back?
I know you only want to calm your soul;
It aches and feels conspicuous and black,
Because you've been despicable, you know.
What could you reach by saying you were wrong?
I know that well, and you do, too; so why?
It drags my heart down crowded halls so long:
My body your words cause to want to die.
     How long will all this pain continue on?
     The truth is, all I feel for you is gone.

— The End —