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Disha Bhatia Apr 2019
Do you remember me,
I ask.
You refute
And call my name
Again and yet again.

I answer every call,
engaged it says,
rings a bell, somewhere far
where my voice
isn't familiar anymore.

I knock on the door
No ones home, you say
I wonder why
In an abandoned wreck
Do you wish to stay.

As I try to remember
the pass code to you
I see
the door's open
Locks broken
And still i can't reach you.

I enter
to see you chained
by your own hands
I reach out
Only to find
you lost.

I try to unchain you
but the touch of me
makes you flinch
more than the chains do.

If I was certain of anything
it was that I'm me.
If you were certain of anything
it was that I'm not.

I know you'll come back,
You always do.
Till then, I'll stand beside the door
calling for myself too.
Kavya Oct 2016
Let the air flow.
Take in the calm around you
as greenery takes in sunshine.
Cool your nerves
and listen to your beautiful heartbeat.
Stretch out your sinuous limbs
and ease the tension
not only in your body,
but in your mind as well.
Let go of all your troubles
but for a simple minute.
Meditate on what you believe
and let your inner lifelines flow
to create a beautifully conglomerated soul
healed of all wounds past.
Leave yourself be for just a moment;
it makes all the difference in the world.
Happiness is when sunshine flows through my window in the afternoons and lights up my little room and my infinite soul as I take in knowledge.

— The End —