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Avery Glows Jul 2014
There was this sound of
birds chirping
rain drizzling
children and flower petals
singing in the rain.

Jade green trees.
Blossoming like roses.
Booming lilies.
Nature into one.
Wet slippery road
made with gravel
leads into the
unknown meadow.

There was the sound of creatures
little eyes
Awakened by the scent
of the brand new season.
Dancing like chubby
Like newborn babies.
With their little feets off the ground.

They all noticed.
And wore coats, hats, and boots.
Bringing multicolored
clumsy umbrellas.
Those finally come to use.
The air was still cold.
But its not like February
with a pump of warmth.

A crystal clear raindrop lay
above your palm.
It goes all the way
safe and
It was the same time
last year.
They say.
"It's Spring! "
in the air.
Jonas Gonçalves May 2014
The orange paints the clouds
as if it needed some care.
and everything else is painted with darkness.
Then, the sky is a an impressionistic painting.

The light vanishes bit by bit
as a lamp about to burn
and everything else about to rest.
Then, the world is a modern poetry.

The city shivers
as a cold and tender skin
and everything else shivers too.
Then, the doubt is realist prose.

The Sun lies down on the horizon
as a nightly kiss of farewell
and everything else kisses me too.
Then, love is a reciprocal.
Aisling O'Neill Feb 2014
Staring out the window as the bus travels,
The beautiful, deep, green Valley surrounds me,
I yearn to soar beyond that valley,
Touch the tip of the surrounding mountains
I dream of the day,
I escape this valley.
This large, barren, stone wall
cuts me off
from the rest of the world
Everyone else says:
"There's nothing for you out there"
"There is only pain and corruption out there"
"I don't want you spoiled by the outside world"
All of that...
It may be true, but...
There is something out there,
That's worth fighting the whole world for...
Aisling O'Neill Feb 2014
I open my eyes to the green valley below, filled with light.
I am at the peak of the mountain,
I feel a strong, warm updraft under my, now outstretched wings.
I feel light and so I jump,
Soaring into the sky...
Or so I thought...
The air suddenly turns harsh and cold...
As I fall through.
"This can't be happening" I think
But I continue to fall.
I expect to fly at the last moment, or
get caught by someone, or
At least wake up...
But it doesn't happen.
The ground accelerates towards me...
and I hit it.
I feel everything,
Every ounce of pain.
I realise then...
I have broken my wings...

I wake in pain...
On the floor in my room,
gasping for the breath that falling out of bed has knocked out of me...
Dreams... sometimes I'm too scared to fall asleep because of what I may dream of...
I actually bruised a rib from that...
Aisling O'Neill Feb 2014
Sitting in the class...
The sterile, white, quiet, blank classroom...
Somehow it reminds me of home...
The wind;
It blows through the grass transforming it into an endless green sea...
The slow herds of sheep;
They bleat contently grazing and playing, care free under the watchful eyes of their Shepherd...
The river;
It flows through the valley, winding, turning, writhing like a snake, stalking an unsuspecting prey...
The roofs of the small houses;
They pepper the hillside like the ants, who crawl up their dirt mound and disappear into their underground home.
I lay back in the tall grass that hides me from the rest of world,
And it's just me and the never-ending sky...
Until the call for next class. My mind races back to me, I take a deep breath, and sigh,
Holden Wolfe May 2014
The silence of your calm washed over me like a wave

half thoughts

reaching down your sleeves only to meet disappointment with a knife cutting us in places we fear the most

but in those moments
I see you see me

waiting to leave or reappear

 Where is your mind where you are going?

you left your impression
in the trees
and faces of others (I know and have yet to know)

setting up
unavoidable loneliness,
(the way a landscape can only tell you
all the things you've been thinking)

you leave me
things when you're
l e a v i n g

even at the bottom of everything
I find you there
alone too
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