Sitting in the class...
The sterile, white, quiet, blank classroom...
Somehow it reminds me of home...
The wind;
It blows through the grass transforming it into an endless green sea...
The slow herds of sheep;
They bleat contently grazing and playing, care free under the watchful eyes of their Shepherd...
The river;
It flows through the valley, winding, turning, writhing like a snake, stalking an unsuspecting prey...
The roofs of the small houses;
They pepper the hillside like the ants, who crawl up their dirt mound and disappear into their underground home.
I lay back in the tall grass that hides me from the rest of world,
And it's just me and the never-ending sky...
Until the call for next class. My mind races back to me, I take a deep breath, and sigh,