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mjad Oct 2019
I sleep over
I talk to his mom
I've met his dad
I'm too far gone
He holds me
Even in stress
Plants kisses
On my head
I hold his hand
Take care of him
When he can't stand
Jack too strong
Something's wrong
I like him
But I lost my voice
I can't say it
It's not my choice
roumen Jun 2019
One day you Will walk away...
I don't want to let you ..
One day my
Heart will be broken
Onto thousand
shiny pieces..
The punch ..
Was sharp and heavy..
I can collect this pieces..
Next day.
It will not be easy..
But Jack will help...

Next morning.
Will be better..
You think..
But ..NO..
It isn't..
Even it is darker..
But Jack can help..

I know that ,
If i hold you tight
I can harm you...
If not ,
You will be free
And not with me..
There Is no escape ..
From that ..
But Jack Will help..

I know...
You are so fragile ..
I am ..that Beast
Who love you..
I know ..i know
my face is ugly ...
My slappy hands..
My heart ..
But Jack can help..

The moral of
That story
Is very simple..
Beauty and
the Beast..
Can't live together ..
Never ..Ever..

...But Jack will help. ..

Who's Jack ?
roumen Jun 2019
Tonight i am here .
No ice..
Just Jack...
Tonight no girl is coming ..
Memory ..
Only pain..
No tears ..
No moon..
And Jack...
No ice..
Tonight pain is coming back..
No mother .
No love..
Cold ..
No flowers..
And Jack..
No ice..
End ..
No ice..
fm Jun 2019
what was it like when you left me behind?
with a bottle of jack clasped in your greedy palm,
did you ever look over your shoulder?
did you ever turn back?

independency never looked more like a cage
when you realize it came with
losing a childhood to a parent
dependent on *****
and lost in her liquor.

maturity is a sculpture that people
chip and mold to fit their own reality
when they forget that the
broken pieces surrounding the perfect sculpture
are really what maturity is made of.

when you left me behind
i reveled in my independency
and clutched my broken pieces in my hands,
glued them back together
and called it armor.

but i still wonder from time to time,
if you ever looked down to see your own
broken jack bottle
glass pieces by your feet,
because you finally remembered

that you left your daughter behind.
roumen Jun 2019
Second glass..
First it was not enough..
You need more..
You have to forget..
You don't need to regret..
Second glass.
First is never enough..
You desire next .
You need to forget..
You have to escape.
You don't have to accept..
Second glass..
You deserve to escape..
You need to forgive..
You have to unlove.
You don't need to correct.
Second glass..
No ice.
Not today.
Not with Jack.
Not for us..
Second glass.
Is never enough..
For me .
From you..
No ice..
For love..
No kiss..
No next glass..
Just ..
trf Mar 2018
Teeth chatter and butts raise above seats,
Riding pickups atop the corduroy road,
Thunder claps of rubber bass beats,
Slapping the undercarriage's rusty odes.

The tires rhythmic riffs are risky,
Clavinet keys echo wood beams over muddy water,
Walter Murphy drinks a Fifth of Beethoven's whiskey,
Leaving superstitions for Stevie to Wander.
Melissa Sep 2015
mr. daniels
please hold me tight
I need a little comfort
on this lonely night

dear mr. daniels
please be my friend
and I'll be yours
until the very end

hey mr daniels
can I call you jack?
take away my memory
I don't want it back

okay jack
treat me well
I hope you know
what I had to sell

come on jack
I need a release
we can go all night
until they call the police

please jack
lets get in a fight
don't you dare go easy
I want to lose tonight

— The End —