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Nick Stiltner Nov 2019
White jet stream splits the blue sky
Serenity, I ignore what they say to me
Maybe daying be’s, laying fading beneath swaying trees
Dawning years a tease, burn away the grease
Wipe the grime away, I’m searching for signs today
Pried myself outside the lines, you stayed behind it’s okay
Thought grenade, cicadas and bees serenade,
Peeling back layers, the sour tang of marmalade
Garments handmade, dip my toes in the bluing lake
Vibrations I feel a wake, a dip in the curve
Butterfly stomach I can’t help but squirm
Serenity, I saw a white jet stream split the sky
As I wandered, I wondered why
Faizel Farzee Nov 2019
It's that time again
Time for you look at this hated world
Ask it to get in the ring

This is a caged dogfight
We are tearing to win

The bell rings

Out the corner we come
Rough and ready
We feel like steel, just hot and sweaty
Eyes like daggers
Punches equivalent to a sharpened machete

Life swing, you sway
It's a miss
You jump forward with speed of a cheetah
Connection made
It's an anvil fist

Lights out, life has given up the fight
You returning the favor
This is how it made you feel
During those miserable nights

Just remember
We all tough as nails
We march forward, no matter how hard it hails
we have fight
We will never go silently into the night

Our common goal
To defeat life at life.
We all have those upheaval days
Whether it's caught in your mind
Or in your heart, maybe yours we will find
Bare in mind
Life is grind, so let's not give up
Until the happiness we find.
Faizel Farzee Nov 2019
Why is it that I feel so subdued
I lost all fight
I surrendered all of me to you
You all I dream of daily
You are a daydream
  Even in the still of the night.

While I walk I randomly call out your name
Your name sweetens my heart
When I talk the conversation subject is exactly the same
An ode to the perfection that is you
You are my sweetheart.

Your smile more captivating than treasured art
Your essence priceless to me
A precious notion that we will never be apart
We love for eternity
Even after our souls get reaped.
Words are the meaning behind all of our feelings.
Trying to capture true love
Is leaving me reeling
My verses have words with hidden meaning
Trying to clever it up
Looking to capture the feeling.

All I know is love you till the day that I die
My heart is one with yours, you feel the same
Our feelings equally tied.
Faizel Farzee Nov 2019
Every time you seductively call out my name
I get weak in my knees, It's not just your  bewitching face
I have to hold on to your smile
So I do not float up and get lost in space.

I love the taste of your honied lips.
Your name just as sweet
I completely love every part of you
Is all of this real? This must be a cheat
Kissing every inch of your trembling body
To the melody of my heartbeat
Slowly taking in your aroma
renders every part of our souls satisfyingly weak

Your happiness my precedence
In the way that I love you
this must clearly be evident
You are live art, poetry in motion
A true picture of eloquence.
Love words that come from within
Ink my tears of happiness
Feeling this happy must be a sin
I grin
Thinking how lucky I am
Knowing we both feel the same
Together drowning
In loves ocean.
'Goodnight ****'
Is the last text that
I got from her tonight
Before I put myself to sleep

I wish to see her again
To hold her hand
We'll spend the whole night
Like it won't end

Faizel Farzee Oct 2019
I compare thee to heavenly Angel.
Pure of heart as that of an infant breathing
within it's mothers sheltering womb
Untainted by the impure

Your illuminate heart outshines a bewildered scorching sun.
Your smile the equivalent of glowing radiance
It alights even the darkest hour of my life.
Your healing essence
The taste of your honeyed lips I live for.

You are the most beautiful rose
Amidst my thorned existence
By any other epithet, you would still smell as sweet
You are more than my heart, You are the sustenance I need
My soul has imprinted on you
It don't wish to be freed
You are the oxygen, In this dark world
I need daily to breathe
There is no evil in this world
Because you are all that i see.
Colm Oct 2019
Meandering … I know right away
What the context of this dark entails
What the question of this day implies
And so I'll answer
In distilling this … in the stillness therein lies
Though sunshine isn't yet necessary
To bring a shining smile to my face
Squinting on a day like this … born distinguishment
When I know, I know
Like the *** and groundless coffee based
It is good today
Gosh it's good today
Such a natural feeling, when you better yourself. When you can self-diagnose, identify and adjust. Not change mind you. Just adjust (as true change takes time). But it feels so good to me, to just wake up after a day of unconsciousness, and be conscious again. Or perhaps that should be the other way round, LOL. But truly… To go from being blocked, to being unblocked. To go from being frustrated, to being at ease. Nothing feels better than that. No drug or high can compare, to the artist content and at their leisure, having since slayed the dragon in their subconscious mind.
And this is a verse for a day like that. Woot woot.
Faizel Farzee Oct 2019
Some times I steal a glance at you sitting
Lost in a spaceless haze

Thoughts of wonder I hope, running through your mind
I smile slowly creeping over your captivating
Unknowingly it instantly lights up the sky

Your beauty at this moment overwhelms me
I promptly forget who I am, I too get lost in a timeless daze
The love we share I can never truly capture
Your beauty these words can give justice to
Just know I'll keep trying my love
Until my last breath
This words from my soul is true.
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