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Jehzeel Apr 2021
When was the last time you felt loved?
When was the last time you let down of your walls and be vulnerable?
When was the last time you said "I love you" sincerely?
Dates? Months? Years?

Nah! it was all because of that stupid person whom you gave your all and received none in return that made you skeptical after all.
The butterflies that used to be in your stomach already left,
gone with the person you thought were your meant.

But hey, lovelies!
Blame not the love but the lover.
It's time to give yourself some love.
A love coming from you,
not from others.

By the time you are ready to love again,
By the time you find the person to be vulnerable with again,
By the time you speak love sincerely again,
It's no longer for someone else's sake
Because you know you are worthy of the love you deserve.
I want to remember You
On my bed of stars
final kiss goodbye
to pink peach sunrises
purple peacock sunsets

I want to remember You
Beloved Sai
Wind blown hair on
luminous banks
of the Chitravati
Marvelous miracles
that only God could create

I want to remember
Your glorious eyes
embracing mine
and the healing touch
of Your holy hand

I want to remember You... Sai

I want to remember You... Sai
Nicole Apr 2021
Sometimes I give up,
I switch off my emotions,
Just to build them back up.

But no one notices,
No one sends their condolences.
They just wait until I mess up,
Again and again and again.
Until i'm completely shattered,
Glass on the floor,
Hands grasping the walls
Water dripping from my eyeballs.

So I just lay there,
Waiting for someone to grab my hand,
Before I melt into the land,
Like a heated piece of sand.
Joining the rest of the useless pieces,
In a place where happiness decreases.
A dark empty pit,
Where one slip or one trip,
Can lead to the splitting of my ribs.
Nicole Mar 2021
How to stop time:

How to travel in time:

How to escape time:

How to feel time:

How to release time:
I went for an adventurous walk through a wooded lot next to our house this afternoon.

It's Spring break and the neighborhood kids bursting with jubilant energy, boisterous laughter and inate curiosity showed me a path through the densely knitted patch of forest. Their bright little elfin faces, venturesome spirits made me feel like a child again, only taller, lol.

They wanted show me the fort they had built further into the thicket, but good sense reigned when I observed the thorny winding branches, briar and looping vines,
I graciously declined.

I thought to myself, "Oh what a wonderful spot to sit and write poetry... and meditate...
when the kids were back in school, lol.
An interesting thing happened before the election,
both parties were rooting for their chosen candidate
with fever pitched excitement.
David and I favored the
Biden/Harris ticket.
in fact, first time ever we planted
a sign on our front lawn.

Everyday felt like a horse race.
Then one evening as we went
for a relaxing stroll,
we ran into a neighbor who was
an avid horticulturist,
he was perched on the side
of the road examining wildflowers
he looked at us and
said, "I don't mean to be political
but do you know what this flower is called?"
I said, "Daisy?" It was a small
dainty daisy looking blossom
he said, "It's called the
Biden family Daisy."  
Both David and I gasped with delight
What an auspicious omen,
all was boding well for Biden/Harris.

Then post election, after Biden/Harris
won the presidency
and the fervor and tension calmed down,
I noticed on a morning jaunt
Biden Daisy families exploding in size.
They romped through
urban street meadows, neighborhood lawns
sides of the road,
their jolly miniature white and
yellow pinwheel faces
bobbing in the breeze.

Suddenly my eyes caught
something quite unusual,
the white pearl petals on some of
the Biden family daisies
had transformed into
vibrant purple amethyst petals
"How Royal!" I thought to myself
and befitting our new leaders
The feet I love to kiss
walks towards me
on soft pink lotus clouds
my sari flutters in the
poignant breeze
from every pore of my body
a rose blossoms and
falls at His adorable feet
I bow low to the Earth
the fragrance of Eternity
envelops me
His Heavenly beauty
deepens with every step
I cling to the feet
that will ferry me across
the raging ocean
Dear One have mercy
Save your Devotee
Amy Perry Mar 2021
My dad taught me
that placement in society
is ultimately irrelevant.
He taught me you can find
your eager slice of happy
anywhere, not just in between
four familiar walls.
I used to think
that if only he had access
to a mattress and a ceiling
he'd find his happiness.
But, I realized -
Who am I
to dictate what makes
another feel complete?
Here, by the park benches,
His heart blooms like
a grandmother's rose bush.
He lives moment to moment.
Cares not for possessions,
Has no schedule,
No place to be.
Has no bills, no debts,
no credit, no ID.
Scrounges the ground
and kind strangers' gestures
for everything he owns.
But oh, his cold, tired bones!
I worry how long a journey lasts
for a lone vagabond.
Envigorated by the sounds
of the sea
and chance encounters
whether they be familiar
friends or family
or the palpable presence
of all that's imaginary.
It all lurches to him
in a grand symphonic dance,
Linking his hours to days,
and days to weeks,
extending outward and upward
to take the heavens
in his grasp.
A pigeon dove lands
on his tattooed finger.
He laughs, and it flocks
to another's perch.
A tree branch this time.
The animals and children
look into his eyes
and wonder about the stranger.
Alone, raggedy, down on luck
but up in spirits,
and they recognize
a body brimming with
My dad taught me you can be
nobody and still have everything.
Carlo C Gomez Mar 2021
"The sea complains upon a thousand shores"

Yet, I miss your current

passing through me

infinitely I tread this water

in the hopes you will soon awaken

like new horizon

"my precious, the sea will never rest"

Inspired by the poem from John Edward Smallshaw:
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