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Cheyenne Jul 2019
I'm sorry
Sometimes it feels like thats all i say
I'm sorry for being a mess
And being unstable
Sometimes it feels like i'm sorry is all that i am
Everything i do wrong
My existence hurting everyone
But no more than me
Im sorry
It falls from my lips over and over again
A mantra that i cant stop repeating
Im sorry feels like the only thing
The only thing that can make you stay
I'm sorry
Please don't leave me im trying
I say it over and over
Until it annoys you
And then once or twice more to apologize for that
I'm sorry
That I cant get control
I'm sorry
That all i do is fall apart
I'm sorry
That I hold you back
I'm sorry
That I’m alive
Lavender Menace Jun 2019
Love = addiction.
There is no such thing as real love. If someone says that they love you, they're lying. Please remember that they would always take you for granted, they'd always sacrifice you for someone or something else in just a second.
No one really loves anyone.
This trap that I'm in is eternal torture.
Please God in heaven, end this suffering!
Free me

                           ­      I

If I could end this all or restart the earth and change just one small action in one small drop of time and death, alter this world that I have been trapped in, maby things wouldn't be like they are now.
Can emotions dissapear?
Can you please stop this fear?
Can heaven hear my tears?
Does love really last for years?
Emotions stay forever.
Even god can't end your fear.
Heaven hates your tears.
Love is fake.
Deal with it.
Welp, I've finally managed to rip my own heart out. If I die this week it's okay, I managed in the same situation, so can you.
Rylie Lucas Jun 2019
We used to be so close,
but now you're hard to see.
I don't know why you're doing this,
but you're running away from me.
Each word you withhold,
pulls us apart a mile.
Every moment we're apart,
Lowers our attraction percentile.
I know you don't mean it,
and I've been giving you space.
But it hurts me so much,
to see our attraction erase.
I've been silent for a long time,
enough to open the floodgates of my eyes.
Time is not our friend,
so we must discuss this, in the end.
It's hard, being without you. Seeing you slowly leave me behind. This is why I don't love. This is why I don't give all of my heart away, because every single time I do, I'm just let down. My heart has shattered so many times, and now I fear it will never be pieced back together.
James Rives Jun 2019
poems are my escape
into worlds where sense
is measured in meter and rhyme,
and the undercurrent of meaning.
i make regrettable decisions
and excise those
that meant me well
in exchange for a pain
less familiar.
i would apologize,
but pride dictates
i stand my ground
and put pen to paper
Nina May 2019
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for loving you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for missing you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for needing you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for wanting you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for clinging onto you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for wishing you were mine
I'm sorry
I guess all i can say is I'm sorry
Because all i ever was,
Was a nuisance to you.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for everything
For being alive
Bummer May 2019
I still can't help but think that all I ever do is annoy you.
I'm sick of saying "I'm sorry."
But I am.
So I will.
I'm sorry.
I think i just end up disappointing you. I think you wrote just to make me happy. not because you believed in what you wrote.
Emilia B May 2019
Don’t talk to me
I’ll only break your heart
As mine only beats for one
But I’ll still lead you on
As the thought of someone loving me is a crave
Though I only crave it from one
Loser Apr 2019
I fear you miss the old me.
The two years ago me.
The funny me.

I told you I wouldn't talk of this, and for that I'm sorry. This just happens to pollute my mind just enough to write about it.
You would be the first to know that I write with a pessimistic pen, and that its hard to digest my sadness. You would also be the first to know that I didn't always carry so much weight, that I used to make people laugh.
That I used to make you laugh.
I'm sure you still like the new, but I feel as though you long for the old.
This write is jumbled. I'm sorry. Please don't hate me for it.
I'm really sorry...
Mya Baertlein Apr 2019
I haven't seen you in two years
We haven't talked for a year and some months
Everything ended so badly
I had convinced myself that I was over you
But when you saw me, you asked to talk
I said Okay
Than that phrase, I'm sorry
You said I miss you and I still love you
My heart melted and I caved
We're talking again and I feel happy
Part of me thinks I'm making a mistake
The other part thinks we might work out
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