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josh wilbanks Oct 2021
Love is but a word
Four letters on a page
Said a loud or written down
To me it's all the same

Love is but a feeling
The flutter in the gut
Hold my hand let's walk the sand
Till this feeling's all but none

Love is but a lie
A hope a dream a wish
An uttered word a feeling assured
Till worn and flavourless

True love is but an action
Something that makes no sense
Giving your all expecting nothing at all
In return for your loving gift
ATILA Oct 2021
Was every word from you actually heartfelt
Or were you played with it
Was the longing that you said genuine
Or was it all act

The longing for you
Has been a part of me
Though the sun sets
Though the sky changes
Though the spring fades
My heart still never lost track of you

The beauty of rainbow
Put a smile on every face
After ugly rain
But only full moon
Would keep with my gloomy night
Longing for you

Don’t lie to your heart
That once embraced by hope
Before it invites uncertainty
To accept my love

Enliven a thousand sweetness
From the past grasp
To end my longing
Link our bond of love
To make us one
Cause it is all mutual
Let go the anguish along the horizon
To brighten the full moon
Which would witness our talking hearts.
Memories bring back everything.
Tooba Oct 2021
I see you smoking cigarette
drowning in the debt
trynna pull you out of the situation
offered you a solid invitation
your eyes dripping regret
All I read is frustration
Lily Oct 2021
It’s not raining
But sometimes words fall
Down like rain.
Sometimes they come in a
Or whip around like a
               Wind storm
And instead of building up, they
It’s not raining
And the sky is blue and not gray
And instead of bad I kind of feel okay
But the fact still remains
That we sit here and say
“We need to talk”
And yet
All we do is sit here
Surrounded by the blue
Wishing for it to
But all we’re doing is
Sitting in a drought.
sometimes it's better to let it all out than to hold it all in
Lily Oct 2021
sparklers are for the people who
love more
than they could ever
be loved in return,
for the ones who
their own light for others
to only appreciate them
for a moment and then
be forgotten,
for those who run out in rainstorms
for people who won’t even
stay with them in the sunshine,
for the ones who wait until
everyone around them is shining before they
ignite their light and glow.
but you can’t live by just
borrowing love for an instant or
living with the
ashes of other’s achievements;
you die a fresh death every time you listen to
those voices
that crash down on you like hail until
you’re too numb to move
you’re too over it to try
you’re too cold to ignite
at all.
know your worth :)
Valya Oct 2021
Not ready
That's what you told me
Yet you're already dating someone else
Not even a month after
I feel like I should be mourning
But I think I dodged a bullet
You still call other girls for hours
Even though you have a girlfriend
You still cuddle with others too
So in hindsight thank you for leaving
You gave me temporary pain
For a lot more happiness longterm
So thank you?
I still hope you suffer a bit for the ghosting though
After all I am a petty *****
I'm highkey glad we didn't go far
Valya Oct 2021
When will the suffering stop
Will it end when you come back
Or will someone else show me the way out
I truly am chasing pavements
Valya Oct 2021
Life is pink
Pink flowers, pink leaves, pink people
How could I not love all of this
Everything is accented
Even the dew hints at pink shimmers
And you,
You SHINE in this pink glow
How could you ever do anything wrong
When everything you do seems so right
And the pink glare hides anything I wouldn't like
So I get to live in my perfect pink fantasy
Hopeless romantic thingz???
SANA Oct 2021
When the world is ending
Death is the beginning
I will be there standing
To show the world
Despite the distance
People and problems
My love wins ....
And tell u
For the first and last time ...
From the girl who loved him secretly for her life
Chandana saige Sep 2021
Silver lined eyes
Roaming in my mind
your silky sheet on ruby rainbow,
shall occupy my sky
your slightly thickened and dyed hair,
on nape waves your eternal joy of beauty

All the girls were so impulsive for you
I'm the idle one to adore your slow whispers
you told you're going to sleeping
without listening my high notes
singed for you all alone in this dark.
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