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Delicacy8100 Sep 2021
His intentions were unclear.
Boundaries broken.
I pushed He pulled.
Gently, quietly he studied me.
Gradually winning a friendship.
Pulling my barricades down.

Days fell, nights pass
through a decade, he always promised, give me your love
we won't clash.

Impromptu to the fact, he sees right through me.
(Looking Glass)

Time has taken.
Time has given.
Amorous love, he has proven.

He stole my heart, A thief? A bully?
No Monster indeed, our love is rooted.
Day and night we stay entwined.
We are meant to be our *** does prove it.
delilah Aug 2021
Am I ready to love again?
Or do I miss the feeling
The feeling of being in love
Chandana saige Aug 2021
He stood infront of me
he got all my love and eyes on him
he was a mirror of sky
which cant be reflected
through anything.
Rama Krsna Aug 2021
picking fall couture ~~
when did she start putting
herself in his shoes?

© 2021
dedicated to those who see other people’s pain.
ATILA Aug 2021
What was the point of this reverie
If it just came and walked away
Bringing my soul
Strolling again
Those deserted roads
That once cherished our presence

Were you there
Expecting me
Or was it just an embodiment
Of the memories of our ordeal

Who was the actual one
Who willingly became a liar
Who was the first person
Who built mushy hope
Before crushing it
Without any grounds you toyed with my heart
Like disastrous hurricane
That unexpectedly surged and vanished

You were only a shadow
Of wretched past
Whom sometimes got carried away
By my unsettled endless dream.
It’s you.
Chrissy C Aug 2021
sunlight peeks through the curtains
stealing me from slumber.
my eyes open
dazed by the rays of a new day.
his body beside mine
near though oceans apart.
we swim away from the sun
through treacherous waters back to dawn.
where we are everything and anything but still.
still is the morning,
our rapid current at rest.
my mind slips away.
thoughts of a perpetual dawn
where the morning never comes.
derblue Jul 2021
The first time we met, you were only a nuisance in my world.
The moment you spoke, I made a face full of disgust.
Who could stand that level of obnoxiousness.
Days, Weeks, Months have passed then we meet again.

We met again on a different circumstance.
You said Hi, I said Hello. You were intrigued by who I was.
Asked questions to our common friend, you were in awe.
Little did you know so was I. The vibe you gave off, the things we have in common. Hmmm is this kismet?

The timing was truly perfect. They said it plays a big role.
The only problem was we weren't right for each other.
We tried, we pushed into it but it was already a disaster right from the beginning.

We were only a mere chapter of each other stories.
You knew me as the fatty girl at the apartment; me on the other hand knew you as the motherfuc*** who keeps blabbing
Anna Alycia Jul 2021
fascinating, like the aroma of tea,
pleasing moon to have a drink.
like the liquor, it brings the glee,
overfill my cup but not to drunk.

tonight, let's paint the town red,
there in my throat the odours overspread.
under the moonlight, I dance with my shadow,
holding a wine, too fine to swallow.

I'm not drunk and it might be true,
stumbling and murmuring on the way back home.
my life is not utterly dark nor blue,
I'm just missing him and the dawn.
I'm just missing him and the dawn.
Olivia Daniels Jul 2021
I want that
Gorgeous bookish moment
With you

I want to sit on the roof
Of a cozy important house
Under the stars
Having... god knows what
Kind of deep discussion
(Though it may have been had a million times before,
this time it's ours)

I want to see you
Silhouetted by the light
Of the moon
While your expressions contort
As you share a heartfelt story
With me
(That you think I don't know)

I want to be comforted
By you
Even if it uncomfortable
On the rough rooftop
When you think,
Wow she needs a hug
(Because I do
If it's from you)

I want to see
Your eyes glow
Brilliant in the darkness
When you emphasize a point
Staring at me
Feeling the strength of our
(Even if it's guided by
The general ambiance)

I want to hear
The breeze sing
With your words
Their importance far from lost
Sending shivers down my spine
As you lean intently
Into or toward me

Just kiss me
Under that night sky
Knowing well
That just one kiss
Changed everything for us
Olivia Daniels Jul 2021
I just
To fall in love
With my best friend

But I'm scared
Of the consequences
And how
It would affect
The other people
I hold dear


I've never been
One to have
In fact
I always thought
Myself weird
For that very same

Until I met you
That is
Until I fell for you
I no longer
Thought myself weird

What is weird
Is our double helix dance
Of flirtation
And friendship

Constantly either moving
Toward each other
Or away
Drawn together
Or apart

It's so weird
To me
That I still keep
On you
For its entirely
Yet so

Hopefully soon
Our dance can end
And we can
Just be honest
With ourselves
With each other
And finally kiss
In the middle
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