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Eleanor Sinclair Oct 2017
I extend a love
Greater than his
In return I get
Hurt like this
He yells and shouts
As I take the abuse
In excess amounts
Am I a bag to punch
Or a bone to crunch
What does it mean
When he calls us a team
I’m somehow at a loss
Like an idle rock
I gather more moss
As I try to turn towards the sun
I’m blocked by his words
And unable to run
I’m stuck in a tightly packed trap
It’s dark and I’m scared
I can’t find my way back
Do I just sit on the ground and wait
Or make another round, it’s too late
The exit is nowhere in sight
I stagger by the walls
With no remembrance of light
Do I give up on this futile attempt
I don’t feel anything at all
From his “love” I’m exempt
Drew Vincent Oct 2017
The sound of the rain on the roof,
is nothing compared to the sweet sound of your voice.

The sight of the ocean waves splashing across the rocks,
is not as beautiful as your smile.

The feel of silk clothing on your skin,  
is not as comforting as your hands holding mine.

The smell of the sweetest lavender,
is nothing compared to the smell of your perfume.

Great Grandma,
Get well soon.
We all love you and God Bless You.
I found this poem I wrote when my grandma had a brain aneurysm back in probably 2008 I believe? She passed away not too long after I wrote this. She did not get a chance to hear it.
Madi Oct 2017
the most common question
that you may ask someone
how are you?
how's it going?
and i think that it's kind of
nobody ever
says anything other than
or fine
why do we ask questions
about other people
if we can't even answer it ourselves

i mean
i don't want to be a burden or anything
that's why i may choose
to say
i'm fine
even when i'm not

i find that we
as a community
"are you okay?"
whenever somebody is crying
way more than we should
because i mean

i don't want to create a scene
so i'll
stop crying
and tell you i'm fine
i told you
i don't want to be a burden

i personally
find that the term
works quite well
it's still not the full truth
but i'm not a burden then either

so i think we need to
stop asking
start answering
because life isn't always
or fine
kainat rasheed Sep 2017
common people says
"we know how to live in worst circumstances "
great people says
"we know how to change worst circumstances "
Evi Dent Halo Sep 2017


Above it's door was written two lines; similar crossed;

So severe.


Slugs and weather gather-

Wether it gathered I doubt it would matter,

Water has no power,

Every blood stain is stained and can't be washed away with cold wind shower:



And all lost traction-

These lines haphazardly done-

Almost if they knew what would snap- in,

And dwell within-

No blessings to stake them in.


Test chamber, held number "X."

The few of the last,

So many failures, so many lost.

In sight: The checklist became a mess.

But he:- His name was "X."


On every four walls, once white

The claws had eminence driven in, in every angled strike

The horrendous letter of "X."


Above it's door was written two lines: similar crossed,

So severe,

Slugs and weather gather-

Wether it gathered I doubt it would matter,

Water has no power,

The great solvient of matter-

All was, All was: "X" held the matter.


Cross contamination:

"I can't, it's too much.

Gaping evil power-

That letter? Inside still watching.

My mind aches of traction and scatter

'X,' the horrendous letter 'X.'"



Grasp and file down.

All that is good, and worth- and while, down.


And all the beasts, the lines, deep within-

Inscribed, was every letter and wicked sin,

All numbers conglomerate into,

(Know sirens, to scream,)

The letter "X" brought hatred name

And every sick child, and ignorant name-

Knew every wicked power by one letter's name."
FINV "X." v6 (6/27/17-8/13/17)
-by Evi D. Halo
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