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Bekah Oct 2024
It is I who slew the dragon
And I who must be king
The burden of a crown
Is what that night did bring

A knight who was triumphant
And stood on solid ground
Piercing the monster through the heart
Until it made no sound

But in the court of whispers
They laugh behind their hands
For the throne I won with valor,
Is built on shifting sands

It was I who slew the dragon,
And faced the beast alone
The king of fools they call me
But it is I who claimed the throne
Odd Odyssey Poet Jun 2024
I'm less of a mathematician, but still counted
as a human who sometimes makes a bad decision.

As the eyes hunger for everything;- they also
betray me on a constant treason.

Misplacing most of my why's to sound a bit wise,
still that's no disguise;- to displaying true wisdom.
Ronna M Tacud Jun 2023
Wipe those ***** on your mouth.
Bitter people will always be entitled.
Envy, that's what you feel right now.
The worst is you keep eating it all.
How fool are you?

And to you my friend,
You always idolise your best of friends.
Aren't you worried about something you don't know?
The rope you keep pulling on is the one who cut you slowly.
Do you think you deserve it?
Well, Indeed!
You deserve what you tolerated my friend.

Ohh! Look at those best of friends.
The one is pulling her up while the other one is cutting her down.
How shameful are they?
Ahhh! I really enjoyed their fake laughs.
It makes me shivered!
How fool are they?

© Unatnat03
Man May 2023
To have loved, is more than man
For should ever want, or can
Ask of, out of his life.
The ever stirring mind, and
Almost frenzied hands
Of the fools who dance,
The waltz of romance
Odd Odyssey Poet Dec 2021
Two fools
argue amongst themselves,

Debating whosoever
is the biggest fool.

A blind man listens
with his silly smile,
thinking to himself:

what a bunch of fools.
I can see the two fools,
listening with my ears.

As a seeing man's eyes
focuses on the trio,

His heart says,
a fool listening in on fools.

And the one above exclaims,
my children can be so foolish.
I S A A C Aug 2021
I am slender and my figure is the topic of discussion
unsolicited advice about how much I should eat
as if my weight is their goal to reap
I am skin and bones just like you
I feel confident and insecure just like you
Looking into my mirror and reflecting on your comments
Analyzing every curve or lack thereof like it is a contest
who can be the King and Queen of Fools
suffering self-esteem underneath the entrenched rules
I hope you never feel the way you make others feel
A broken bird
SelinaSharday Aug 2021
By Sharday
"Old Fools"
Old crudes.. appearing as Fools gold. The Irony. When you offer joy and laughter.. and all the best to offer in kindly spoken joyful chatter.
When you only offered a sprinkle of smiles and sunshine's. A regular day by short easy breezes to fellow online unknowns you never ever met in the flesh and briefly known online.
shared with them smiles and sunshine of encouraging crispy apple finds.  To wish they smile with glee and inwardly are filled with bitter unrest.. Unknown to most of us. We only  see the clown painted hidden face. A true face of sunken holes filthy craters in mold. The corrupt soul waiting to unlease it's misery soon as the old fool see, your joyful positivity isn't gonna stay for the foolery.
How you can't be captured, in the web of rotten hell where the Old fool dwells. Just wash your hands wipe your virtual feet from where you ventured and never again there enter.
A fool full of liquor  and utterly bitter all of its own. To whom you never did any wrong. Yet the fool will claim you have. Is a stalker web  crawler, harassing fool.. Report the stalkers  harassing's  obsessing's  words of hate.  The fools mouth of polluted lies disguised as crafted blind leading the blind sorrows.
A brief encounter online in 14 days causes a fool to write so much **** poor chatter.
Obsessive, stalker, old fool, not your muse, move on fool.
Psalms 18:2 "A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion." psalms 18:2
Proverbs 29:2 If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.
Sounds like a abusive deranged so madly insane. Type foolish, type thang. Can't find a away to stop using you in written metaphors. Like his pictures of he wish he had ******.
Keep virtual 911 on hit report speed dial,
this fool seems a virtual danger stranger chillld.
fools online, bitter, people, wounded, stalker, harassers, using hate, obsessed won't move on type fools.
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