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HTR Stevens Jan 2021
Christmas is here, and no one is celebrating:
Families can't meet up due to the R-ratings.
Everyone is in lockdown, the virus is not abating -
Spreading out of control, while for the vaccine we are waiting.
Along comes a variant strain, to blow our brains, has no one seen it coming?
Cases multiplying seventy times faster, the thought is mind numbing.

Everyone looks around, wondering who to blame;
I'm propped up on my bed, playing my matching game...
Knowing that in every way, tomorrow's world will not be the same.

The third world war - against an invisible enemy;
A war to TOP all wars - and a war for eternity!?
A war to TOP all wars - virus versus humanity.
Brendann Jan 2021
You don’t wanna leave

What might your family think?
Your friends?
But they don’t know how it is
How hard it is to wake up
Knowing today won’t be better
feeling life fill your stomach with bricks
your head
with poison
They will never know what it’s like to have the taste
of metal in their mouth
Their tears dripping down their face
But not hitting the floor
How close they are
To pulling that trigger

You don’t wanna leave

You just want the pain
To leave
And it will
So instead of holding the metal
Hold your sibling’s hand
Your friends
They may not know the pain you feel
But you will know
That they will experience it
If you relieve yours

Take a breath
And know that tomorrow will be better than the last
And that you will make it through
Free verse
b e mccomb Jan 2021
family is
a knife
cutting birthday cake
cutting roast dinner

cutting paper
and ribbon to wrap
and slicing through
to open the gift

a knife
for what we
do together

but knives
are used
to sever

and when it
skin it’s that
much more
when the ties
which bind
so easily

a blade
hanging out
of my side
and everyone pretends
they don’t notice
until they twist
the knife deeper
just to hurt us

i want to
chop onions
slice open
green peppers
add them to dinner
make something
that brings
somebody together

but you
want to
make people

family is
a knife
copyright 12/25/20 by b. e. mccomb
lex Jan 2021
we are on opposite ends
of opposite worlds
of opposite universes.

i've never met someone
as different as you are from me.

normally, opposites attract,
but right now, i could not be more repulsed.
my brother isn't the best soul. i wish our relationship was better, but it's not, and i'm not sure i can do anything about it.
JKirin Jan 2021
At the top of a hill in a land far away,
stands a seedling alone; its leaves quietly sway.

It has nowhere to hide from the blistering sun;
there's no shield from the winds that frequently run.
Empty land – there isn't a bush nor a tree nearby.
It grows there all alone, but it is getting by...

On the nights full of rain and frightening lightning,
through a quiver of fear, it would stay there fighting:
"I want one day to grow to a big, mighty tree
with a trunk wide and strong that no wind could bend me!"
Its small roots would absorb murky water from storms
and by morning it smiles as a new leaf bud forms.

Leaf by leaf, day by day, this small seedling gets bigger.
Twig by twig, year by year; to grow large it is eager.

On occasion it would get a visit or two:
cheerful birds from the sky would come down to say Hi,
and a fluffy white rabbit would drop by, out of habit;
friendly ants, butterflies, and at night fireflies—
all would merrily chatter but too soon all would scatter.

With a smile, the seedling would request them to stay
but would always hear back: "I must be on my way!"
One day, curious, it asked: "On your way, where to?"
"To the woods down the hill, full of trees just like you!"
"Full of trees just like me..." no one heard it whisper
rustling leaves, as the air around it got crisper.

Leaf by leaf, day by day, it still grows but looks small.
Twig by twig, year by year; it's alone, after all.

Having grown tall enough, the seedling now sees it—
past the field down the hill—the one place all birds visit:
a majestic forest stretching wide—a green sea!
—with tall pines, mighty oaks, and other grown trees.

What a beautiful sight! It just can't turn away!
Wishes strongly the seedling, to be there one day.
It dreams of gentle sounds running through the lush crowns,
of the comforting shade that the woods surely make.
Stretching branches—now long!—
wishes it to belong...

Leaf by leaf, day by day, cries the seedling...
Twig by twig, year by year;
"Why do I grow out here?"

Very lonely, the seedling remains on the hill,
casting shadows dark, broad, keeping leaves very still.
Hoping that through the years, it will stop being sad,
and will once again notice that this place isn't bad.

It is there for a reason not easily seen:
for the birds and rabbits, it's a sheltering tree.
When they stop to say Hi, coming down from the sky,
they are looking for shelter from a summer day's swelter
or a comforting shoulder on the days that are colder.

Leaf by leaf, day by day, now an oak, it's grown tall.
Twig by twig, year by year; it's alright, after all.

On a very nice day, after cold driving rain,
in the grass, not too far, it saw something bizarre—
the sight so peculiar and oddly familiar—
a seedling so tiny it looked almost funny!

But the sun was hot—scorching, to the seedling's misfortune.
And the leaves were trembling, their form too much resembling
of the oak's lonely past. Stretching branches, lush, vast,
it protected the youngling that was, clearly, struggling.
In the comforting shade, it could stay unafraid.
At the top of a hill in a land far away,
grow a seedling and oak; their leaves quietly sway.
Jul's Jan 2021
For a long time I was lost and didn't,
  Want no help I wanted to stay in that dark tunnel of fog,
  Then something happened I wanted to find me again the way how I used tho be
  Happy outgoing tell jokes
But I got help with the people who love me
  An I'm I'm no longer in that tunnel of fog,
      Written by Julie David
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