In your despair
you survive
wrapped in pain
no one could ever comprehend
and no one could save
You jumped
and yet here you are
bearing a gift
to ease the pain
of stranger sitting across from you
with tear stained eyes
You fill the world with light unknown to you
brighter than any darkness
and you do not mind
that thanks comes in the form
of an endless stream of tears
Your story
Your name
If only I knew
before it was too late
I would have treasured
every hour spent
in the cold and quiet
hospital room
And now
You fill my mind
With every crevice
you live on
and I live
for you
How foolish
that my reason to live
another day
comes from a small gift
from the stranger sitting across from me
with blood on her wrists
and a warm forgiving smile
on her lips
Who would ever know
that all the thanks I have
would belong to the golden heart
of a broken stranger