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Natalie Domek Nov 2014
this boy
eyes like hollow darkness
yet so intense
it draws me close
I want to get to know him
the way his pillow knows the back of his head
as he stares at the ceiling
at 4 am
wondering curiously
about life and death
and which one he belongs to

this boy
I want to put the light
back in his eyes
RainbowBlessings Oct 2014
In Your Eyes

In your eyes,
I find surprise.
Deep within your
Theres colors that
This what I need you
to know,
I see your eyes like
a rainbow.
Filled with
From heaven
Full of
From heaven 's

(40) Words

WrittenBy: BarbieKirk
10-7-14 12:17am
ContestEntry. 30-40 Words
Abigail Sherry Sep 2014
The world would be a better place
If girls weren't told that what they wore
Was the reason they were called ******
That it was their fault for being *****
When no one ever asks for it

The world would be a better place
When boys are told that its okay
To play with dolls and they won't be called gay
When a child wants to dress like the opposite gender
And adults won't tell them it's wrong

The world would be a better place
If my age didn't mean I know nothing
Even though I know how it feels
To lose and be abandoned, to feel like I'm not wanted
To be alone and have no job

The world would be a better place
If it didn't matter if I liked girls or guys
If my little brother didn't feel the need to hide
His true self from the world
If my sister didn't hurt herself and actually got help

The world would be a better place
If every child knew the love of a parent
And had a home with food
And a family to call their own

The way the world is now means it won't change based on a poem, won't stop based on one death
And won't recognize that even in chaos there is hope
Wrote this for a contest, haven't even sent it in yet, oh well
ern kingham Sep 2014
This life isn't a contest of who wore it best.
Inspired by Jamie Tworkowski of TWLOHA, his poem is called "There is still some time"
With a warm breath on my neck, she kisses my shoulder
I could feel my cold winter pass, as my dream comes true at last
generous is she, as she has revealed my open chest
as her face nuzzles and grins a little as her blue eyes
look into my piercing glaze,
with tenderness and care she gives herself ...

She poured herself as blood, to give my heart the desired love
her blood boiling in me, an unfamiliar feeling came over me
I could feel her course through my veins, pulsating my soul
our bodies shudder as we partake in our transfusion
the feeling was so overwhelming, I wouldn't dare stop it now ...

Sweat drops on my tongue, tasting the liquid of her passion
mouth to mouth we breathe into every swelling kiss
our palms meet and take hold, neither one not wanting to let go
with nothing but candles burning,
our naked shadows exposed on the wall
we shared every inch of each other,
with a serpent tongue I roamed
I knew her before the night was new ...

Enriched by her delicate beauty, the simpleness of her love
she rests upon me, her breath so long
her intense wetness, scorching my love as she moves
the grinding of pelvis to pelvis, so deep so new so raw
releasing with pleasure with a deluge of sweet nectar
in only in a dream, she healed my very soul ...

Debbie Brooks 2014
This was a contest for .. I had to write in the gender of a woman...

Your prompt is "Romance with a twist" I would like you to show me true romance, I want you to show me how you would romance someone, what would you do to show your love, and make your date feel special. I want to see the power of love and to feel it.

TWIST! you have to write from the opposite persona, so if you are female, you have to write it from a male persona and vice versa. I don't mind how far you take this prompt, but mark it appropriately ie adult or erotica if your muse takes you that far.
aviisevil Sep 2014
The familiarity sets in--
And sense's begin to howl
fear is born with-in,
Climate smell's so foul.

Noise begins to whisper,
Something sour in your mouth
And as when the bells chime,
You have no clue what's it about.

Heart-beat grows to a shiver,
despair begins to shout
In-midst of this ensuing sentence,
Ill thoughts start to sprout.

Hand's tremble in illusion,
The vision break's apart--
In a melody of confusion,
Envision of age old-scars.

Thy sweat pours a storm,
A turmoil to touch deep
Time strikes a marking--
Still eye's won't weep.

Finger's feel the skin--
Where comfort won't reach
Shadow cast's an hour,
Which somehow won't leave.

Dust begin to settle--
And the curtains are raised
Spewing numb on every word,
Across every page.

Moment begin to scatter,
In a place light forsake
Silence begin's to creep in--
From where dark was made.

Gloom becomes heavy--
Engulfs everything in haze
Conscience finds a noose,
And makes itself a cage.

Hurt infects every corner,
Balm as pure as dew
All steps lead to temptations--
And they pay their due's.

A puzzle fall in pieces,
Raising a few wall's
Have no clue what it means--
Or where the ghost walks.

My heart in condition,
With precision to be lost--
Heeding no indication,
One key locked inside a box.

Unfurling me a new season--
From seed's that were sowed
Made me some shade,
That always keep me so cold.

Them claws dig in my flesh--
And collect from me my soul
Mesmerised in my winter,
Bathe in asphalt and coal.

Window cease to exist,
Them walls harbor no doors
Mirror paints a stranger--
You are not what you were anymore.

Despair grows a sky,
Pour's me down a sea
Shelter won't stop--
What there is meant to be.

Dead weight drags me down,
Those arms I can't see--
Pills and the powder,
Won't set me free.

My tears bleed blood,
On my heart this loneliness feeds--
From this descent in madness,
No man can be freed.

Entangle self in chains,
When in misery one is bound
When a-top the mighty mountain--
The peak falls down.

A frown turns in dread,
In debt of all that's around
As where the dark is kept--
No man has ever been found.
Here's a task, write a summary of this poem for every stanza and break it down in simple words.
Ann M Johnson Aug 2014
I'm becoming stronger everyday
I'm becoming a better person
I'm emerging from the cocoon that held me bound
I'm breaking free from the shell
I don't want to be like a bird in a cage
I need to be free to fly
I don't want to be held bound by anyone's opinion of me
or anyone's insecurities including my own at times
I need to be free to roam
I need to be free to recover and free to discover what I need to
I need to be free to express myself and time to reflect
Free to think
Free to feel
Free to live with a healthy dose of zeal
Free to laugh at myself and others
Free to cry when hurting
Free to smile when happy
Free to Love
Free to make my own decisions
Free to make my own mistakes and learn from them
Free to be me and accept myself for who I am
Free to change the thing that I dislike about myself
Free to grow
Free to show my feelings
Free to soar like a new Butterfly
I am becoming Butterfly Ann
This is a poem reflecting on the feelings and thoughts concerning Recovery from a Depressive disorder I hope it reflects what it is like for me and I hope others can relate too, and that together we will get the proper recognition for our recovery process. It is best to speak up instead of hiding in silence.

— The End —