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Radhika Lusted Mar 2020
Fear is yet a concept
Within itself
For fear can only
Fear itself
John McCafferty Feb 2020
A concept of self
strengthens with wealth
The rules they do change
when our histories made
Is perception an image of taste

Where to begin when
the pendulum swings
For all of our sins
start from within
Can we see beyond
our own gates
Does right become
wrong on judgement day
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2019
Time is an unusual concept
Perspective I have yet to understand
Current washing us clean of everything
Seconds slipping through fingers like grains of sand
In the hourglass of life
James Oct 2019
Like time, are we found through serendipity.
Minutes, a mere tick to unfounded revelation.
Past, are the days when we go subtly by, dissipating into the night sky.

Like time, our corporeal spirits aloft into the pitchy sky.
The tender kiss, a gentle stroke, nuanced by the caressing love of the lunar above.

Like time, are we imprisoned in our own conscious. A mere abstract picture, blown into the winds, caught adrift, and veered into the dark streams of reality's heavy rift.

Like time, we are ethereal wayfarers: youthful beings marked by ephemeral nature, merely to trance the universe's wake.

And like time, our departure ticks till the last grain meets, and the sand flipped, to start all over again, and again, and again.
The uniVerse Feb 2016
The sky was blue the day we met
not a single cloud in sight
truth is all I saw was you
framed by the morning light.

Gray will be the colour of my hair
if you ever leave my head
sometimes I still stare
when I'm alone in bed
seared into my memory
like a red hot poker
you once lay next to me
now I can't even hold her
an indentation on these white sheets
from an angel just as pure
I used to watch you sleep
now I watch the light beneath the door
half expecting it to open
for you to somehow return
the other half lies broken
as the glow of candles burn.

Blue was the colour the day we met
but orange was the day you died
whilst I stood and watched the sunset
on my beautiful bride.

"You laid so peacefully
now you sleep solitary
taken with a piece of me
that piece I had to bury."
The uniVerse Jul 2019
Death does not exist as some distant relative
but rather it remains relevant
as a constant reminder
that without death she cannot live
you will never find her
for herself, to death, she did give
do not call out her name
or try to hold on
she left her body through the pain
she's already gone
now she exists as life itself
not as a concept within her mind
or as a body trapped in time
but as the flow of silence
between echoes of distractions
as one slowly slips through tiredness
towards the light refractions
that's where she'll be
as she waits for me
in eternity.
Ray Dunn May 2019
If you knew I was coming,
you should’ve run faster.

I’m using your gun
so you know that it works...

Bring the bad guy foreword!
I’ll always right behind
A Simillacrum May 2019
Where's this abject
anger come from?

Is it innate or
is it
an acquired trait?

Who owns these lips
grinning at gains?

Out comes the wolf?
Out comes the hominid.

Who owns these tongues
dripping silver?

Produce and consume.
That's how it is.

What an art it is
to dispel doom.

Tried selling concepts?
That's where it is.
Triscuit May 2019
We collect words throughout our lives
We share profound thoughts and insignificant snippets
But will they know you when you die?
Will your words still resonate?
Will your thoughts dissolve into the wind?
Or will you forever be interred on a wall, your script timeless in it's verse?
Will they know you when you die?
Just a thought.
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