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Jae Elle May 2022
I could make up some aesthetic intro
about how the rain is falling
& how the air tastes
but they’ve read it all at least
a thousand times,
at least.

it’s “spring” in Kansas and it’s rainy
& cold as **** for May
not much poetic about it unless
you’re like Shirley Manson
I guess
storms used to terrify me but
now I adore them;
transient and full of intensity
& beautifully


I haven’t really tried to write in so long
I had to force myself to pry open
the dusty laptop --
only because I knew I’d be too impatient
putting thoughts with pen
onto paper

I get why Buk relied on his typewriter
I just wish I had his mental fortitude to write
through complete writer’s block
at the edge of my
wit’s end

the world has not improved, as we kind of
all suspected
the supreme court is dipping their toes
into overturning roe. vs. wade

& all in the midst of the worst inflation
I’ve ever seen
(and a formula shortage)
it’s all a stage and we’ve all been
the puppets for years

but the fourth wall is coming down,
albeit slowly.

I wonder what he would have had to say about it.

enough, I’m sure.
Sandman Nov 2021
Eternal silence
Before the breaking light

The trees outside
With all their color
With all my color
Tumbling down
Into black and white

A sinking feeling
Origin unknown
Fleeting dreams
(Some mine, some not)
Absurdity moves through us

Random thoughts collecting
In the gutters of my mind

Concealed within a single teardrop
Falling from a roof top
The final step
The last breath
GaryFairy Oct 2021

**** you!

Why was I "born into this"?
Sorry, I thought it was going to be longer

There is no doubt that he was a gifted man that lived and died for a reason. Maybe the reason is becoming clearer to some, and not important to others. Such is life.
GaryFairy Sep 2021
Tell your muse to slap herself
buy a gun and cap yourself
buy a farm then buy the farm
buy the sheep that spins the yarn

take your words and shove them!
take your birds and love them!
put nothing else above them...

not even air

tell your side to ready for battle
by some fencing and by some cattle
buy a ranch and buy the farm
shave the sheep that spins the yarn
Are you still writing poems in mom's bathroom? That is *******.

buying the farm - dying

yes i meant "by" in last stanza, which is meant to say that even poets who are clueless are not cattle...maybe we are wild mountain sheep? Please don't take this too serious because i have respect for all poets...i just can't relate to old thinking and lines. I know some will flip that switch and experience real life, which sometimes *****, but is still amazing in itself...much love
victoria May 2021
And then there was the day
that Bukowski ruined my life
I'd have been a regular girl
Maybe made a good wife

But he got a hold of me
Then cynicism snatched my mind
He was almost beside me
Grabbing my behind

I'd gotten straight
I'd forgiven my past
Then incame Hank
So it didn't last

I'm on the level
No knives in MY skirt
The other girls they teach
How a man to hurt

But I was gone, just gone
I couldn't have destroyed you
The Gods had been good to you
The tracks had adored you

And within your words
I found no salvation
Just a world you'd flown from
Leaving only adoration

But I was born in 77
A 17 itch before you passed
Your life still an obsession
By loving an outcast

A rose garden
That's what you gave to me
You gave me thicker skin
I'll write...
I'll  just be

Found Bukowski at age 43... This is a blessing, any younger and he'd have destroyed me
jǫrð Mar 2021
I long to be so

Far away from me, in the

Current state I'm in.
The History: Is it possible to distance yourself, from yourself? I'd like to sometimes, and sometimes I do unintentionally.
"don't come inside"
usually, in fact, almost always
I would pull out
with a split second to spare
and ******* all over her
turning her navel in to
some sort of overflow ***-gutter
proceed to roll over
panting like an old dog in the sun
roll a cigarette whilst she
wipes us both down with some nearby
toilet roll and suggest
we watch something on her laptop
this time was different though
I pulled out and she lays there
and starts tugging me off
entirely unnecessarily
as though both of our lives
depended on it
and I'm glad she did
I started spraying hot **** everywhere
and I think to myself
"I'm painting the ******* walls!"
it was nothing short of sensational
and it all seemed very Bukowskiesque
Eric Hesner Jan 2021
Each dull wheeze
— half-glass-filling lungs, tarred —
records my moments
like reel-to-reel tape
And the heart is a quivering branch
If not a paperweight
Pinning will and testament to the

That plastic wine “glass”
turned out
to be
glass after all
My woman throws me punches
with the gentle touch
— all the virility —
of a little, lonely, old man
feeding bread
to ducks
Then goes to work on the meat of her hand
with the glass
Damages the nerves in her thumb
   tussle ensues
My arms are covered in blood
That two-penny copper smell

sister’s fella has anger issues
and wants a straightener
Tells me I need a job —
Is this not work?
If I had Molly’s blessing
I’d go to work on this *******
But she’s crying
And begs me not to
Begs him to calm down
I wanted to widow her
And my bleeding wife
Norman Crane Oct 2020
Reading at the bar
Drinking at the library
         —Henry Chinaski
A haiku for Bukowski.
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