Fast headlong I now fell ,
a hole in dark night sky ,
through diverse strange devotion ,
left alone , outside of Time .
Stranded , unveiled and motionless ,
a searing red blinding light ,
rendered my chest torn apart ,
by a figure in black , out of
sight .
Though feeling no base
emotion ,
there was a demon of fear ,
so prayed I sought my deliverance ,
from this being of anguish and tears .
Was I summoned to awaken ?
have access to this work ,
through darkest night to ride ,
this chariot of thunder and verse .
But something stood behind this
temple of judgement and pain .
The Sun , the Moon and a field of wheat ,
marked where that hidden door lay .
Symbols rose up from the sea ,
a vision of numbers and sound .
World shifted from black , red to white ,
overwhelmed as the first scroll unbound .
a vision , or waking dream