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Good Samaritan

Or nemesis in us all

Who will win the fight

Each will show themselves in time

Who wins the one you feed chose

Tanka haiku.  
5 lines 31 syllables

Inspired Songs

1) the Good Samaritan
Lyric Video YouTube 2009
Children’s worship song
about compassion and kindness
Luke 10: 25-37

By Benjamin Clementine

Every day all day long, we make choices between doing something good or doing something bad evil. Each of us have the capacity to be the good Samaritan or to be somebody’s nemesis. And the person we choose in the path we take is predicated on who we are and what we feed
Most people don’t know ,in the parable of the good Samaritan. The injured  man on the ground was the Samaritan’s worst enemy. His nemesis. Yet he showed kindness and passion.paying for his care.
In my left ear,
Mozart on two times speed,
In my right,
The full Bible read in Chinese.
The strange writers in my mind,
Will take inspiration from anything.
So here is a sentiment in Chinese
josef Feb 23
why do they say,
‘love thy neighbour’
then spit in their faces?

why is the exception to that rule
when they are different?

don’t they know that
god created us different
for a purpose
a reason?

they let dogmas blind their hearts
like blindfolds they keep on themselves
swimming in the babble of the hard hearted

poke your head above the water
see the light
love your neighbour as yourself

let that commandment not be mere words
on paper
live it; embrace it; do it
Archer Feb 17
Respect, love. Genesis 2:24
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh
But there’s something else…

showyoulove Feb 7
Come sit with me by the fire
Take in the glow and warmth
The lights are low and the night is young
Time for a chat, a look back
The mood is fine and all is divine
Sit back, relax, and ease your mind
Let's pause and now rewind the time
To replay the moments: highs and lows
Looking at some decisions you chose

Come sit with me for a little while
Come close and let me hold you child
The storm outside is full of fury and sound
But in here you are on safe solid ground

Come sit with me for a moment or two
In this space, it's just me and you
Let me tell you a story from many years ago
A tale of love and honor suffering and glory
But there is something else you must know
It is as yet unfinished even to this day
Still, it remains the Life, the Truth, the Way

It begins at the beginning the first husband and wife
Everything was perfect and they knew no strife
They walked freely with God in complete honesty
And all the world was blessed in perfect harmony
Possibly unfinished with room for more, but this was all I had written at the time
How do I know God listens,
I don't.
He could,
He couldn't.
But I'd guess he does,
Because when I wished not to suffer it was,
And whence I wished for love it was,
But not without my hand in work,
Tilling God's land.
Even if you don't believe, the bible is a great book and a literature marvel. You don't need to follow God to appreciate a masterpiece.
Hebert Logerie Dec 2024
The most beautiful proses or poems
Were divinely dictated by the Almighty.
I'm not immersing in some profound dreams.
Needless to say, I'm neither inebriated not crazy.

Believe me, just like the verses in the Bible,
Many poems came from the womb of inspiration,
However, the most powerful ones were scribbled
By the Spirit of a Higher Power through dictation.

After reading a few verses from some poetry books,
The words come out alive and move like sharks in hooks,
One can experience the very presence of a supernal being.
Poets of all style, in God's name, please do not to stop writing.

Copyright© February 2017 Logerie Hebert, all rights reserved
Hebert Logerie is the author of several books of poems.
Micaiah Wheeler Nov 2024
Your words touch my skin as if they were rays from the morning’s summer sun
Like flowers in the Spring, I arise with every word you say.
Your voice is like the chord that David played to please the Lord
My defense fallen like Jericho.
The Bible says that joy comes in the morning
And you, my sunrise
What could I say? What could I do,
My faculties arrested and submitted to you.
Who am I without your loving embrace
Without your love providing me space.
Who am I without your care
Without your strength subduing my fear
showyoulove Nov 2024
There is a treasure island that lies before us
Across the sea of faith there is dry land
A place of refuge to strengthen and restore us
A wondrous place with riches, God has planned
For, in God's word, I find a precious treasure
Far greater than one could ever measure
It is His heart's desire that we have a fire
That would burn brighter, hotter and higher
More precious than silver, more costly than gold
More beautiful than diamonds, is the sight that we behold
The riches and treasures; it is priceless in its value
And to the King of all Creation you are priceless too
Some days there are wild storms that try to bar the way
But we have a Northern Star to help us not to stray
Trust in Him and do not fear and you will soon see the light
And when you are scared and alone, He will hold you tight
We can get to treasure island any time we take a look
Into the word of God and open up His good book
Learn to take the treasure into your heart of hearts
To help you out when trial and challenge starts
You can bring it with you wherever you may go
To lift someone up who might be feeling kinda low
Or a reminder: you are precious, loved and His
And nothing else matter more in the final analysis

Thank you Lord for giving us such a precious treasure in your Word, in your Love, in Us Lord! You gave the most valuable thing you had because you treasured us so much. You gave us your very life! There is no greater love than this: to lay down one's life for a friend, and yet, you laid down your life when we had fallen out of your friendship! Help us remember the value of our lives and the value of all life, especially the most vulnerable: the elderly, the unborn, those who have special needs. You have given us your Holy Living Word to read and what treasure there is when we take the time to see what is just below the surface, waiting for us to find. May Heaven and Earth rejoice together when we realize what it is we really have and may we share that treasure with others so that, they too, may be richly blessed. Amen
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