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josh wilbanks Sep 2014
im no jesus but i can turn water into koolaid. take a hit of this blunt then i'll forgive you of your sins. show me how to swim on land and i'll show you how to walk on water. im no god, but luke i am your father. just go a little farther down the road so i can pretend we look related. i just masterbated. it feels pretty good to be athiest.
Lawan Sep 2014


a second added to infinity.
it's life gifted
by the death of countless seconds-
from the first generation to now-
this captured moment

but time, like nature, is indifferent;
obedient only to the Eternal.

once it gives,
it takes

Time flies. Each passing second renders our daily activities meaningless. What becomes of our seemingly eternal consciousness- "eternal" because we cannot remember when we first came into existence. Yes we have photographs and documents to tell the exact second we were concieved, but none to show us when we were borne.
Is life energy? Is life made of complex chemicals? Will our conscience survive when we die? Or is it not of the earth to begin with?

Your thoughts? (Comment below if you have one

— The End —