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You were a dagger
Plunged to the depths of my soul,
Numbing me since then;
The rest of the sharp arrows
That found their mark are painless.
When has one lost what once was true,
One will know the way to lose,
In which all odds that one assumes,
Imply the one odd within you,

Within one shot there’s no more chance,
Although one shot can take all ten,
If chiseled right it takes the pin,
The mind should set to lose nor win,

The time is set for reigns to fall,
Phithets will soar and shoot to mark,
All though omega shot it hard,
A mega shot target was scored,

The moral for this stanza is,
If you haste slow with controlled swing,
The more likely you pack a sting,
Regret the one who’s rushing in….
Thoughtful Aug 2014
The point on the end of an arrow could slice a heart open.
I wonder if that’s how Cupid works.
Would he catapult the arrow into our chests,
and as we are heartbroken,
he tears the arrow from our beating hearts?
I marvel at how someone who makes you feel loved,
can be so cruel.
Lunar Jul 2014
who am i
to have the right
to shoot an arrow
into your heart
to make you love me?

sadly my name's not cupid.

but then again,
nor does cupid exist.
WJ Niemand Jun 2014
It glided through the air
just cloaking the sun's glare
to the heavens it aimed
but by gravity it was tamed

down it dashed
swooping down to crash
on the unsuspecting its fate
for man's reaction was too late

the soft flesh it would pierce
to show stains of dark red
the screams were fierce
a man would be dead

and so many more followed
so that the enemy ranks would be hollowed
but what the arrow did
was only what the laws of nature would permit

and soon its job was done
for lead would take its place
propelled from the gun

— The End —