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Brandon Conway Aug 2018
Oh lustrous new moon
how you cradle the old


Aphrodite humming a soft tune
cradling Adonis whom grows so cold
stopdoopy Jul 2019
Do you feel it?
As if we're drawn together,
like soulmates.
Maybe you do,
I wont ever know,
but I feel it always ends the same.
Maybe we're not meant to be together.
Perhaps it's always been this one sided...
despite the words you've said,
no matter how we lived.
God and priest,
maiden and servant,
in a war somewhere,
I don't think we've ever ended up together,
isn't that sad, my dear, Aphrodite?
I suppose it's for the best, darling.
Had to get a last poem in before pride month is over! Hope y'all had a great one <3
stopdoopy Aug 2018
I wish to gaze upon thee, look at the expanse of virtue.

You truly are a rival for Aphrodite.

An ethereal being.

I am but a priestess, at your alter, worshipping.

If I could meet those eyes, ghost fingers over satin skin, card through sleek locks, then surely I'd be blessed.

For you I'd do as Orpheus for Eurydice, without looking back.

To love a goddess such as yourself is eternal.
I really wanted to write about Hatshepsut and her lover instead but either I found the wrong woman pharaoh or I dreamt the whole thing I've read about her lover before so... couldn't do that. What I remember reading was that her successor started destroying things she's built and having her name erased off of things which is essential for the afterlife, so her lover broke into her tomb to write her name, thus ruining his own chance at an afterlife because desecrating a resting place was a huge no-no. So yeah Idk where I read that or if I did but that's the idea.

So I had to settle on a couple who's names I could remember/actually look up their story and here it is.

Just a heads up because it pertains to a poem coming up, I wrote this months ago.
Brandon Conway Jun 2018
Oh luminous blue
First laid eyes upon you
Just above the treeline
On a warm spring night
Caught in your gossamer sight
A beauty to rival the amaranthine flower
I will be your Adonis
If you will be my everything.
6/7/2018 I laid eye upon Venus for the first time and connected in body and soul to her.
He was
an arterial
driver where
he'd  flee
his schlep
to accompany
wires but
hire them
and direly
with an
accordance that
oppression dearly
their navels  
in latter
times of
inca summers
love begotten
A story of an inca summer
A Mar 2018
She was borne in ocean spray
A goddess before the gods.
When I look in the mirror and curse my image,
It is to her I unwittingly pray.

Aphrodite, our savior, in lipstick
Sipping red wine at a table no one is good enough for,
(And yet, we can’t take our eyes off her).

The goddess of love is blood.
Her image comes with the taste of metal,
Chewing on my lip
Instead of looking him in the eyes.
Aphrodite’s image is not one for photography,
I see nothing, and laugh

I can’t imagine love as a being,
Nor can I see beauty as a form.
Both are beyond my fingertips---
I suppose a goddess can be sea foam.
my favorite painting used to be Botticelli's 'The Birth of Venus.'
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