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I want moon,
and patience in my soul,
it's been a while since
they were last together in me!

By: Nida Mahmoed.
I am holding a fire in me,
A fire of words of truth,
I believe that this fire
will lustre our inner song too,
Beloved the sound of truth
that we are holding,

I know sometimes
it’s hard but baby don’t
stop moving towards that fire!

By; Nida Mahmoed
 Jul 2017 Swasti Jain
Pagan Paul
As I walk this lonely path
the music plays for me.
Picking at the neat stitches,
the seams of my inner universe.
Somewhere a dam bursts,
a levee breaks, floodgates open.
And vision is impaired by drops
like boulders of rain on a windscreen,
but I have no wiper blades,
just the rims of my wraparounds.
And the music plays on regardless,
ripping through the fabric,
the cushion of my existence.
Control lets go, an illogical absentee.
Millennia creep by as minutes tick.
Sliding through black curtains sight returns,
the shakes pass slowly, rubbernecking shame.
And as the music plays in my head,
I walk the path and treasure the gift
of tears for souvenirs.

© Pagan Paul (2017)
When nobody sees you cry ...
 Jul 2017 Swasti Jain
Pagan Paul
Sun rises
in misty dawn,
early rays
light brings warm.

Sun sets
in hazy dusk,
late rays
to darkness brusque.

Moon rises
in quiet night,
early beams
throw out light.

Moon sets
in peaceful morn,
late beams
are ragged torn.

© Pagan Paul (2016/2017)
Originally called Vivasvan and Chandra Indu.
(4 x 10 Word)
 Jul 2017 Swasti Jain
Some mornings I wake up tired
before the fire of the sun eats
the mist covering the dust
on the long road my feet travel
each day wishing I was asleep still
just like a snake in an old tire
dreaming of young boys rolling
me over and over down a steep hill
again, forever and ever, amen.
Work can **** some days.
I'm online, baby
I've sig(h)ned in
I've waited, honey
Where you been?

I've a LED-screen body
Icon lips
Silicon *******
Computer (c)hips

I'm your WiFi girl
I'm here to play
I'm your WiFi girl
I'll make your day
I'm your WiFi girl
You'd better pray
I'm your WiFi girl
Lead you astray

Watch me, baby
I'm just your type
I am lush and
I am ripe
Forget all the media hype

I can really turn you on
I was assembled
In Hong Kong
I will play you
Like a gong
Just click on me!
Just play along...


I will love you
Make you groan
I will iradiate your bones
I'm not YOURS
I'm just on loan
I'm not THERE.

You're all alone...


(C) 7/4/2017
Her heart beats true to all her existence!
She is love itself!
It is real and has sheer persistence!
She'd walk her feet raw if that's what it took!

She instills her values true to her core!
Always kind!
Even when the rod were to make my backside sore!
Always listening!
Even when time is little, she is there!
Always caring!
A heart so strong, but always love to give no matter where!
A mentor!
If advice be sought, she'd be my choice!
A Mom
There to make affect, with the kindest of voice!

My solace
My matriarch

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