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 Jun 2014 subbu moolera
take me!
on a ride we should go
secrets not to hide anymore but to spit them all
to whisper slowly in the cold night
when we stay embrace, face to face.
take me in a dream
to discover a new place for both
'cause we need to engage in life
like we never did before
what better way for me to watch your back
and you to watch mine.
we are worth fighting for, not tapping out anymore.
have a moment with me
tell me not what I want to hear
but what I need and I'll do the same for you.
chasing for an open space, with clear view
we should discover how is to love
how is to fall in love again.

take me again on that ride
make me to anticipate what pleasure is like
I know you won't go there,
remember and show me what is foreign now to me
what I've forgot I crave so much
what safe and belonging is like.
 Jun 2014 subbu moolera
Anne B
”Og kjærligheten ble verdens opphav og verdens hersker; men alle dens veier er fulle av blomster og blod, blomster og blod.”


"And love turned out to be the origin of the world and its master; but all of its roads are filled with flowers and blood, flowers and blood."
I truly love this excerpt from Hamsund's 'Victoria'. This book reminds me to believe in love - even when it sounds like a horrible cliché.
 May 2014 subbu moolera
Sara Lee
The steel blade makes a ****,
A deep slash.
Blood pours down the drain.
Am I pretty now?

I cover who I truly am.
I hide myself from the world.
I ask you...
Am I pretty now?

I have had my fair share of battle scars.
Heard words that stung like bees.
Each time we hear those words, we ask ourselves:
Is it true? What did I do?

You make us weak.
You break us down.
You make us think:
Am I really ugly now?

Look around,
Take a good look.
We hide from the world,
Because of your words.

You make us feel unwanted!
Like a disease that can be contracted!
What gave YOU the right,
To make us feel like this?

I never understood why,
People talk like this.
Have they got no heart?
Have the got no soul?

What makes them feel,
Like this is all right?
To make others suffer,
With no friends in sight?

What gives them the right,
To make fun of us?
They don’t know us.
They don’t know what we have been through.

The worst part is,
After you realize you’ve pushed too far.
They are gone,
And they are not coming back.

You mourn for their loss,
But why bother at all?
You are the one,
Who caused it all.

They might have grown up to be brilliant,
But they can’t.
They were robbed of that chance,
As soon as the first word left your mouth.

There is one word that describes you perfectly.
Your ruined their chances,
At a thing we call life.

It’s your fault.
They never did anything.
Why them?
What made you choose them?

It’s really disgusting.
What you did.
You know that,

How do you feel?
Proud? Happy? Accomplished?
Or do you feel ashamed?
Think about it.


It’s all your fault they are gone.
So think to yourself,
‘What Have I done?’

I ask you...
Am I pretty now?
 May 2014 subbu moolera
Bury me.
Six feet under.
Don’t cry when you come to visit.

Talk to me
(I’ll get lonely, with all these rotting souls surrounding me)

Plants will grow,
from my decaying body,
weaving through my bones.

Let them stay,
they have made friends
with my skeleton
And creaking soul.
Sitting under a tree in a graveyard thoughts.
 May 2014 subbu moolera
Sometimes I feel comfortable in my body,
and sometimes I feel like ripping off my skin.
At times I like what I see
I like what I wear
but then again at times I feel
like shattering the mirror and
the images in it.
Sometimes I feel like ripping off my hair
removing the fat with my bare hands.
But then I feel stupid for whining about
something so trivial.
because it's the inner beauty that counts
isn't it?
and after that I set off in another trail of despair
am I pretty enough within?
May I kiss you?
Just for today
Just for an instant-
A moment-

Just for a day
May I kiss you?

May I kiss you?
In the rain
In the snow-
In the spring-

Just for a season
May I kiss you?

May I kiss you
Just for a moment
For alas I know
Not of the future

And even a kiss today
Is more than I can dream.
This is about all the times where I wanted to ask a stranger or someone I hardly knew for a kiss. All the thoughts of walking down a crowded street and seeing a young beauty and asking her for a kiss. This is a poem about the spontaneity and romanticism that I never took and how everytime I think of that opportunity I never took it reminds me of my mortality slipping away.
I love the spring
Watching Robins nesting and rearing young in my garden Shed
Also I watch the crows nesting in the trees outside my bedroom windows
Baby rabbits basking in the warm sunshine with watchful mothers grazing nearby in the field next to the house
Blossom on the trees and green new leaves looking so pretty against the sky
Daffodils, Tulips, and Bluebells making a beautiful carpet in the gardens and surrounding woodlands
Time to plant tomatoes, Beans and potatoes and all awhile the chattering of the Magpies waiting and watching to see what they can steal
They are so naughty digging up and taking the seed
Busy pecking at the fresh young shoots for more than they need
Crisp dry days and. some rainy ones all helping things to grow new life
I'm greedy to see all these things
Yes I love the spring
 May 2014 subbu moolera
Her wide-brim hat was pointed, and worn with ne'er a tilt
Her midnight robe was flowing, and wove from satin silk
Her Besom broom was hazel-hilted, twigged with fresh cut birch
As she flew o'er the hill, until she spied a rocky perch

The hill was trapped in moons light, caught in its silken nets
And grizzled trees were swaying casting eerie silhouettes
A howling wind came moaning, as it wailed a haunting sound
When her swishing broom came whooshing, as she swept o'er the ground

She alighted on the hill top, landing dainty on her toes
And took a tattered grimoire which she held up to her nose
She raised a magic talisman and cast an ancient spell
Then she waited through the gloaming, till midnight chimed its bell

The hill stood gravely silent, as the wind restrained its breath
The grass and flowers wilted and released their scent of death
The shadows neath the trees became alive and took on shape
And ghostly figures rose, as Hallows Eve called them awake

The sounds of horse drawn carriages, came trundling up the hill
Whilst babbling jeering voices exorcised the silent still
A sudden gust of wind called out the names of those condemned
Each manacled and chained up, as they rode to meet their end

As time echoed its memories, she watched the scene unfold
The victims forced unwillingly, to climb upon the scaffold
Some offered up the Lord’s Prayer, and ne'er a word was stumbled
They took a final breath of life, and into hell they tumbled

Their bodies swung ungainly, as they swayed a ghastly dance
With lifeless spectral faces locked into a stone-like trance
Their deathly shrouds were pale, reflected in moons silken sheen
And she watched as they cavorted, ne'er attempt to intervene

They slunk back into shadows, at the fading of the night
The hill reprieved from darkness by the early morning light
The ritual was completed, as she whispered them goodbye
And she climbed onto her hazel broom and kicked into the sky

On Gallows Hill neath stars and moon they hung
And ne'er a one had done the world a wrong
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